@meesterboom, thanks for bringing this issue to the light
Galina, can I assume this is your profile too?
A little advise: dont start downvoting other folks right away like mad,-- we do their job and spend our lifetime on making Hive a better place for all of us. Vice versa, this makes an ugly impression of you too.
And thanks for adding link to your hive blog at shutterstock. 😌
These accusations struck me as very offensive, so I voted that way. I’m on this social network recently, I don’t know all the rules here yet. But the accusation of theft for any photographer is very offensive. Yes, this profile is mine too. And this social media page is mine too). https://vk.com/solstizia
She has been downvoted "like mad" first, with a very heavy downvote.
Her reaction is more than understandable.
A downvote which is now reversed. In fact countered with a glorious upvote to make amends.
Like mad
Yes sure, I noticed that.
But those who did not see your downvote in the beginning might believe she overreacted.
I just wanted to clarify.
Clarity is always good.