This is a very rare species and can be confused with the pine boletus - it is a dark cep or bronze bolete

in Fungi Lovers2 years ago

This rare species of boletus mushroom can be found during this period. It is very thermophilic and appears around July and August.

It is often confused with pine boletus or reticulated boletus, but this applies to specimens in which the cap is brown or dark brown. There is no doubt, however, when we meet this boletus with an almost black hat.

Its hat can reach up to 20-22 cm in diameter. Like other porcini mushrooms, it is first semicircular, then convex, and finally flat.

Its other characteristic feature is thermophilic. It is not afraid of high temperatures and sunny places. Therefore, when we encounter this species and tap its hat, we will hear a sound as if the mushroom is hollow inside. This is due to the strong evaporation of water from the fungus, which, however, does not prevent it from growing and growing.

The color of the cap varies, it can be chocolate-brown, dark chestnut, black with an olive tint, but it always has a suede surface.

The tubes and pores are quite long, which can be seen in places where rodents have accessed the mushroom. They are white at first and turn greenish-yellow or olive-yellow over time.

The massive leg can be up to 5 cm in diameter and 15 cm in height, so it is a giant among porcini mushrooms. It has a barrel or cylindrical shape and a slightly brown shape. It is very firm and meaty.

Also, the white flesh hiding under the dark skin is firm and fleshy, it has a pleasant mushroom taste and smell.

We can look for the mushroom mainly in deciduous forests, and its favorite trees are oaks. Likes loamy, alkaline and calcareous soils. It is a highly valued and tasty edible mushroom.