Macrolepiota procera or Lepiota procera - The parasol mushroom - is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent fruiting body resembling a parasol. It is a fairly common species on well-drained soils. It is found solitary or in groups and fairy rings in pastures and occasionally in woodland. A very popular fungus in a temperate climate. The height and cap diameter of a mature specimen may both reach 40 cm. t has a pleasant nutty smell. When sliced, the white flesh may turn a pale pink. A very tasty edible mushroom.
[PL]Czubajka Kania - Macrolepiota procera lub Lepiota procera - grzyb parasolka - jest grzybem o dużym, wydatnym owocniku przypominającym parasolkę. Jest to dość pospolity gatunek rosnący na dobrze przepuszczalnych glebach. Występuje pojedynczo lub w grupach w tzw. bajkowych kręgach na pastwiskach, często w lasach. Bardzo popularny grzyb w klimacie umiarkowanym. Wysokość i średnica kapelusza dojrzałego osobnika mogą osiągać 40 cm. Ma przyjemny orzechowy zapach. Po pokrojeniu biały miąższ może stać się blado różowy. Bardzo smaczny grzyb jadalny. UWAGA! - można pomylić z muchomorem sromotnikowym, nie zaleca się zbierać tego gatunku przez niedoświadczonych grzybiarzy
Very BIG Macrolepiota procera - my record 40 cm in diameter
Photo: Panasonic Lumix Fz82, Huawei P7
If you want to see how to prepare it, please click here:
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Geeze I never knew they grew that large. Perfect specimens.
This is the largest specimen I have found, generally 20 cm in diameter is the norm. P.S. It was not found near Chernobyl;)
wow, 40 cm! that might be a dinner for 2-3 family! I wish I could find those umbrellas in my local area, but seems they are not gonna make me happy... I live a bit more to the north than you... :P
the brewery was there too, but not visible ;)
I have met such umbrellas under St. Petersburg. Not often, but they come across.
nice to know that we have one more this edible shroom here.
havent seen it yet, tho.
Yes, a very tasty mushroom if cooked in batter. Delicacy.
the roots can be dried and powdered - an excellent addition to sauces and meat
I haven't tried it like that, thanks for the hint, I'll keep in mind