Hi friends, mushroom lovers, how are you? I hope you are all well and today I will post a photo of a mushroom growing on a dead coconut tree.
One day I went hunting for photos and that day I wanted to take photos of mushrooms on dead trees, all my Hive friends, so that day I looked for a group of mushrooms growing on trees or in damp places, there would definitely be mushrooms.
After I looked for the mushrooms and I found mushrooms growing on a dead tree, namely a dead coconut tree, there were mushrooms growing in groups there, all Hive friends.
After that, I approached the mushroom and then I took the camera to be able to photograph the mushroom, all my hive friends.
This is the result of the mushrooms that I photographed that day, all my Hive friends.
That's all for my post this time, see you in my next post.