
Take a young mushroom, finely chop and dry (no higher than 50C). And then you can either insist on alcohol (21 days), or fill it with hot water (no higher than + 60C) and insist for a day.
A good remedy for many diseases. Alcohol tincture in a teaspoon, water infusion for half a glass. Immunity will say thanks))

We have a hard time getting alcohol :) can this type of mushroom cure people with diabetes ?

I cannot say that this mushroom will cure diabetes, but it will definitely be useful for diabetes. This mushroom has many beneficial properties. It can be included in complex therapy.

@bambuka I hope if you find herbal medicine in mushrooms and can cure diabetes, please let me know, I really need that medicine, many of my friends have diabetes, and they have gone to the hospital and spent a lot of money but the disease is not going away recovered and resulted in fatal and death.


[Today, mushroom extract is included in many homeopathic preparations of various directions, having established itself as an effective remedy for the treatment of:

diseases of the digestive tract;
pathologies of the skin;
mental disorders;
pulmonary, autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases.](

Can you tell me how to produce the potion?

a young tinder fungus should be finely chopped with a ceramic knife and dried under natural conditions (no higher than + 50C)

3 tablespoons of chopped mushrooms pour 0.5 liters of alcohol (50-70% alc)
insist 21 days. Take 1 teaspoon 0.5 hour before meals

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of chopped mushrooms with 1 liter of hot boiled water (not higher than + 60C). Better to do it in a thermos. After 1 day, you can take 1/3 cup half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated. The same mushrooms can be poured with hot water several times. After a 2-week intake, you need to take a week break and repeat the procedure. Monitor your well-being, there may be individual intolerance. Then you should reduce the dose or stop taking this medication.