winter fungi encounter (13 foto)

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago (edited)

It was a while I did not share my fungi macros.


I used to celebrate #FungiFriday, and now I do not any more. I am not allowed to mention and use it, you know. Copyright issues.


Perhaps that is one of cerebral reasons... or maybe not. Its hard to explicit exactly stuff like that.

What I can tell for sure is that, in wintertime, I did not shoot mushrooms, did not go out for hunting, and thus, did not think about them... figuratively speaking, "I looked in the other direction" and did not even try to dig through my photo archives.


But in April I had some luxurious photo walks, photographed the awakening nature, and came across some mushrooms! Therefore, I want to show you some fresh stuff (and whatever you would say, it is Friday today!)

My family's friend invited to celebrate his birthday outdoors, outside of the city. My wife was not able to join, so my daughter and I took part. We took a two hours train trip to Karelia, than walked by foot deep into the pine forest, until we found a great spot for the fun: the bank of a frozen lake. I had three lens with me (50mm, 16mm fish eye and 50mm) but actually had no time to walk around and enjoy the forest pleasures: I had a lot of camp work to do, including making and keeping fire, preparing the mulled wine (I am an expert in those things, hehe) and shooting pictures of our company.


We had a two-teams Lazertag war game. Check the picture above: its me with the lazer gun on the left photo, and our team's gear (everybody is taking their meal...)

Below, right: our camp and the fireplace (heavy cast-iron brazier we brought with us).


So, I had to run a lot with a rifle. I ran with a rifle in one hand and a camera in other hand - this way it was even harder! and when it was necessary for me to stop and rest, to catch my breath, I put away the rifle and took up the camera, and used this time to look around and take a few photos. During one such stop, I made a small circle around the camp, and of course, I FOUND MUSHROOMS! Winter mushrooms...

...я бегал с винтовкой в одной руке и камерой в другой руке - так было еще тяжелее! когда мне было необходимо перевести дыхание, я убирал винтовку в сторону, осматривался по сторонам и брал в руки камеру. Во время одной такой остановки я сделал небольшой круг вокруг лагеря, и конечно же, НАШЕЛ ГРИБЫ! Зимние грибы...


I will surely share the rest of the photos from this trip (when I retouch them) - in a appropriate niche community. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of winter mushrooms!


So, the photos were not in the priority. Unfortunately I did not use my time to search more and take more pictures... those mushrooms looking from the snow always very touchy. And I made this captures with my universal 50mm lens. Pretty sadly, considering that I had my dedicated 150mm telephoto lens in the rucksack. Some of those mushrooms simply required a macro lens... But, you know... one cant get everything, right?


A rotten tree trunk, marked with numerous holes like combat bullet holes... like infested with an army of carpenter beetles, illuminated by the setting sun, a faded neutral color of dead wood - it was a splendid, stunning texture. Unfortunately, I was not able to make worthy of it, the very few shots I took I used 50mm, dedicated 150mm macro lens would work much better for the tiny objects.

Трухлявый ствол дерева, отмеченный многочисленными дырками как боевыми пулевыми отверстиями... как населенный армией жуков-древоточцев, освещенный закатным солнцем, выцветшего нейтрального цвета мертвой древесины - потрясающая текстура. Но, к сожалению, мне не удалось сделать достойных ее кадров, увы.



I especially would love to make a macro close-up of this one... kneeling in front of it, I enjoyed it visual look-up so much! and clearly imagined the resulting frame... but alas :)


The event took place 3 weeks ago, the forest was full of snow. By now it is all gone, at least in the city, now its time for morels! But I do not know of the places you can find them, hehe. Ok, let me round up at this point. Hope you enjoyed my visuals and the story, see you next time, and --

Have the #FungiFun!


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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 3 years ago  

Отдых удался!
А что за винтарь в рках? я так и не понял.

игровая винтовка с Lazer-ным попаданием и фиксацией результата на датчики ... с динамиком, который вслух проговаривает события в игре.

 3 years ago  


первый раз в такое поигрался. было интересно, но силы организма кабинетного работника не соответствовали поставленным задачам. эхехе... !BEER

BEERHey @apnigrich, here is a little bit of from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

Привет! Сто лет не заходила на Хайв. А тут решила заглянуть аккурат перед очередным выводом крипты из игры. И что я вижу? У меня не открывается интерфейс peakd... это что - наши заблокировали или ихнии такие санкции? Русские комрады, ответьте...
Пы.Сы. У Кверри, вижу комменты идут через Пику...

идите сюда, и берете там плагин для хрома. или используете любой другой VPN какой вам нравится. да, Пикд работает только через впн, -- а как вы хотели....

решила заглянуть аккурат перед очередным выводом крипты

это хорошо! что есть чего выводить... 🤩

аааа... я так и знала, что через vpn...
а выводить...так это игра дает небольшой доходик... совсем маленький. Но я решила тратить его на покупку бумажных книг! Достали электронные, уже совсем ослепла))

I am not allowed to mention and use it, you know. Copyright issues.

I didn't know this! What is the story? Can't we do Fridayfungi instead? 🤪 Or mushroommonday of course .

Seems like fun times. I would love to find morels.

Can't we do Fridayfungi instead? 🤪 Or mushroommonday of course.

sure thing -- we can! and the #fungifun as well - any day of the week!

long story short, she created a separate community with same name (#fungifriday). I can give more details in discord, if you'd like me to.

and, let me share some !PIZZA for your mushrooms 🍕

Oh yes, details please..!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
(1/5) @qwerrie tipped @riverflows (x1)

Join us in Discord!

beautiful mushroom friend and unique

@sketch.and.jam, wasnt your voting for this post automated or manual? since it is 10 days old, it looks a bit strange. alerted you, in case you maybe have some issues with auto-voting settings? anyway. wish you have a nice start of the week! 🤗