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RE: Fly agaric world

in Fungi Lovers3 years ago

what?.. #mashrooms???? 🤪 I rather assume it is about #mushroom

#naturalmedicine #lotus #foraging #ecotrain #amazingnature might be good tags to go with this post.

#biodivercity and #dna tags also could do the job (if you cover more different species and identify them by the names, one Amanita ofc is not the case).

not sure you need to mention / bother #ocd and #ocdb curator via the tags, same for #qurator. lets see if your invocation of the qurator will work in this post


Yes, the speech in the post is about the mushroom. Thanks for the tagging advice! And what does it mean not to bother the curator through tags? Can't write tags like that? Or when is it possible? Did I do something wrong?

ofc you can do that ;) and if every one does the same -- imagine how many mentions are out there! nobody would wasnt to deal with it. (generally speaking -- get ready for a negative reaction from people you mention / disturb / alert / in your post without any request from them ...) fortunately, tags are not mentions, and curators are not people :D and thus these said tags will not upset anyone, I believe no one reads them -- thats why it is safe for you... and senseless.

приготовься к отрицательной реакции людей, которых ты упоминаешь / тревожишь в посте безо всякого запроса с их стороны. к счастью, теги это не упоминания, и они никого не расстроят, просто никто их не читает. поэтому оно вполне безопасно для тебя.. и бессмысленно!

Как говорил Ходжа Насреддин -- аллах давно все окна в своем небесном дворце, чтобы не слышать ваших к нему криков, уважаемые!