Hongos, el maravilloso mundo en la oscuridad - Mushrooms, the wonderful world in the dark
By Riensimo_photos
Hola a todos fungi lovers! Cómo están?
Soy nuevo en esta comunidad así que les contaré un poco quien soy.... Me gusta llamarme Riensimo, hace un tiempo inicie una página de Instagram llamada riensimo_photos... Y ahora estoy acá en hive blog probando cosas nuevas...
En el tiempo que llevo con mi proyecto he tenido la oportunidad de fotografíar muchas cosas, entre ellas están los hongos, un maravilloso mundo que yace oculto en esas zonas oscuras y húmedas...
Hoy les mostrare la que fue una de mis primeras fotos de hongos, y también considero que una de las mejores, en la foto hay unos hermosos hongos en un viejo árbol caído que había en el patio de mi casa... Para aquel entonces me encontraba haciendo el curso de fotografía y no pude dejar pasar la oportunidad.
¡Cuéntame qué te pareció la foto!
Hello everyone fungi lovers! How are they? =================
I'm new to this community so I'll tell you a bit about who I am .... I like to call myself Riensimo, a while ago I started an Instagram page called riensimo_photos ... And now I'm here on hive blog trying new things ...
In the time that I have been with my project, I have had the opportunity to photograph many things, among them are fungi, a wonderful world that lies hidden in those dark and humid areas ... =================
Today I will show you what was one of the first photos of mushrooms, and I also consider that one of the best, in the photo there are some beautiful mushrooms on an old fallen tree that was in the backyard of my house ... At that time I was doing the photography course and I couldn't pass up the opportunity. ================= Tell me what you think of the photo!
¡Me encanto! 💕
hi! welcome to the blockchain, its a nice place with lots of good folks and great photographers.
your capture is awesome, and thats a nice fungi there, I never saw anything like that. sadly you didnt tell us anything more about it... of course it is hard to get an iD, its out of the questions.. but if you indeed are a photographer but not a smartphone clicker, at least you can add to the post where it was shot, when, and with what device?..
probably you will soon find out that one-picture-dropped-no-text posts are qualified as shitposts and are getting less rewards that intresting illustrated long-reads. all the best!
Thanks for sharing your opinion, I'm just starting out and sometimes I find it a bit difficult to get along with the texts and make them interesting ... but I will do my best to improve my content and give more entertaining texts!
aha! well, you will get used to it, hehe. sometimes nobody is reading it, but 'the size' is always noticeable and being evaluated ;))) cheers!
thanks for a good constructive criticism! that helps me grow