These are unknown mushrooms which I found in forest near my weekend cottage in september 2021. and which I couldn't identify.
I don't know whether these mushrooms are eatable or not?
This photo is taken near city Prijedor, in Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Photo is mine property and are shot with my micro 4/3 digital camera Nikon 1 J1.
You can use this photo for commercial purposes. No attribution required.
If you get shots of the gills and stem and take a cap and put it on paper for a spore print we could be able to identify it.
afraid they will stay unknown forever -- you've provided not enaf info for identifying purposes :P
It's like honey mushrooms
they grow in the soil as you can see in the photo.
but honey mushrooms grow at the wooden substrate.
what makes you think it could be 'honey mushrooms'?...
it could be simply anything...