Mushroom Monday - Winter Fungi

in Fungi Lovers3 months ago

I didn't find any winter mushrooms but I did find this stuff.I took a foggy walk looking for winter mushrooms on this #mushroommonday

This is Exidia glandulosa aka Black Jelly Roll or sometimes just generally called witch's butter.

I showed a bit of it to my daughter and asked her to grab a bit. She didn't go for it and picked up a stick and started digging in the ground instead.

As a bonus on the same branch there was some crust fungi growing. This stuff appears to have little teeth coming out of it. Perhaps it is Sarcodontia setosa.

In the gray gloom of winter this green lichen looked kind of bright.

I don't know all the different lichen types in my area but I suspect this one is just starting up and will fan out into larger leaves. It seemed like it was just starting out.

All the cold and wet weather has made many of the shelf fungi fall off. I thought this one might be a red banded polypore.

But when I flipped it over it had dark pores. So either age turned its normally white pores black or it might be something more related to a tinder conk.

Here is a bit of the gloom I was walking in. Perfect for cryptid sightings like Dogmen or Bigfoot. All we saw was a few squirrels though.

My daughter still hasn't picked up the skill of spotting the mushrooms but she definitely loves exploring racoon dens.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Perfect for cryptid sightings like Dogmen or Bigfoot

not for lack of looking haha your daughter was even looking inside hollow trees. Nice shot 👍

I found some of the yellow variety the other day. The black colour truly looks witchy.