It's been a while since I've seen mushrooms in my house but I had the opportunity to photograph one that was on a piece of trunk in my garden and I thought it was ideal for a photo since it looked very nice, many people don't think of them as something nice but still they have always attracted my attention, fortunately here in Hive I found this community where I can share this type of photos even though I don't have much information to offer because I really don't know much about mushrooms. But as I always say we are here to share and learn.
Hace tiempo que no veía hongos en mi casa pero tuve la oportunidad de fotografiar a uno que estaba en un pedazo de tronco de mi jardín y me pareció ideal para una foto ya que sea veía muy bonito, muchas personas no piensan en ellos como algo lindo pero igual siempre han llamado mi atención, afortunadamente aquí en Hive me encontré con esta comunidad donde puedo compartir este tipo de fotos aunque no tenga mucha información que ofrecerles porque de verdad no sé mucho de hongos. Pero como siempre digo estamos aquí para compartir y aprender.

It is amazing how they can appear in so many forms and presentations. I really like the ecological role they play in helping to decompose organic matter from dead soils, animals and plants. In short, some are part of nature's recycling, others are consumed by humans and animals, and still others cause disease.
Es asombroso cómo pueden aparecer en tantas formas y presentaciones. Me gusta mucho el papel ecológico que juegan ayudando a descomponer la materia orgánica de los suelos, animales y plantas muertos. En resumen, algunas son parte del reciclaje de la naturaleza, otras son consumidas por humanos y animales, y otras causan enfermedades.

This fungus was found on a piece of trunk that I placed around where I sowed chives, chili and coriander. I guess it came out in that environment because I am always watering my plants which makes a humid environment, it was somewhat exposed to the sun but only in the morning.
Este hongo fue encontrado en un pedazo de tronco que coloque alrededor de donde sembré cebollin, ají y culantro. Supongo que salió en ese ambiente porque siempre estoy regando mis plantas lo cual hace un ambiente húmedo, estaba algo expuesto al sol pero sólo el de la mañana.

Yep, we are here to learn and share :)
But I cannot help with the for this one. It is cute though.
Haha I understand, thanks.
"It is amazing how they can appear in so many forms and presentations" -- this is exactly the reason to admire their photos, even not knowing anything about a certain specie (at least, this is the case with me!)
thank you for sharing your beautiful little find. cheers!
Yeah, right? it's nice. Well at least I'm not the only one. I'm glad to know that the photos were to your liking. Thanks to you for telling me about the label and I wish you the best, cheers!
my pleasure!
ps. the correct tag for mining CCC tokens is #creativecoin, not #creativecoins. best wishes!