"edible but Warning: poisonous if consumed either with or a day or two before/after alcohol."
- What does "poisonous" mean? Really poisonous or more like psychedelically poisonous with some nausea? 🤠
"edible but Warning: poisonous if consumed either with or a day or two before/after alcohol."
Thank you for your comment. I don't think the mushroom identifier would release this one. I was certain i could still eat this one, it being relatively young. I knew it was edible, so i went for it. I must add that i am very careful. Poisonous when combined with alcohol is what they say online. I don't drink at the moment. The Coprinopsis atramentaria is a very powerful mushroom. It can penetrate through hard rock. It isn't one that contains psylocibin, so i guss i wasn't gonna see any cryptocurrency logos popping out everywhere when i went downtown friday. Lol. But it's true that the mushroom checkers are obliged to tell you psylocibin are poisonous.