I got into coding two months ago, I tried videos, reading, solving puzzles and it was working fine, but then I found out about coding bootcamps and how the certificate and the intense pace are a huge plus if you want to get into coding fast... got into the admission process for one, got in after tests and interview and then I started the course.
Two weeks later I was out. The pace was slow, the peer workshops left me feeling I lost 3 hours of my time (every day), the depth of each topic was shallow and not what I hoped for but most importantly, I felt like I was learning much, much more by myself.
I've been teaching myself coding since then and for about a month now and I cannot agree more with you: "maintaining control (over myself) I've found I learn best."
Since then I bought some online courses, downloaded everything I could, pinned to favs several websites and I've been learning by watching, reading, doing and writing (for my Hive posts, of course) and I can't think of a better way of doing it.
Self Pace and over control of myself all the way til the end.
I'm jealous of that incredible discipline!
Well don't be fooled, I'm nowhere near where I want to be, and it took me a long time to achieve this kind of self control, and I still lose it more than what you think :P
I relate to this as I'd be the same I think and one of the reasons is the slow pace you mention;. The thing with these courses is they have to generally cater for the slowest learner as (here in Australia) training facilities get huge government grants for minimum-level pass-rates. Most of the RTC's (registered training centres) are nothing more than money making facilities.