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RE: Think like a Viking: Part twenty nine

in Self Improvement • 3 years ago

Well, I don't think I am "a hungry wolf", but I sure am hungry! 😂

This hungry lady is about to get up (reluctantly) to make some pancakes 🥞. Topped with cheese and apricot jam, and paired with a coffee and the best company, doesn't it sound like a perfect dream to chase?

Maybe I am a hungry she-wolf after all, just not as hairy as they paint it in the movies. 🤣

Seriously now, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your take on yet another Viking quote. It's very interesting to hear your thoughts.

I might not know you, but I can tell that you're a warrior, the best kind. Thank you for trusting us with the between-the-lines moments, I hope they're seen and understood only by the right people.


I don't think I am "a hungry wolf", but I sure am hungry!

This line applies to me pretty much all the time.

Also...Shut up! Cheese and apricot jam on pancakes? I thought I was the only weirdo awesome person who did this. (I'm not supposed to have pancakes and sugary jam though so I don't do it too much.)

So hungry she-wolf...Or werewolf? There's fairly distinct difference, although the hair-factor is about the same.

It's cool that you've got such a nice way to start the day...Pancakes, coffee and the best company...Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

I really like this quote and it's been quote relevant lately, well I guess it always is. I like how these Viking quotes have so much relevance to me and enjoy sharing.

Thanks for your comment and teasing me with your breakfast foods. No I want a snack!
