I've spent a lot of time thinking about change and how, through the passage of life, I've experienced such profound degrees of change. I can't remember not being able to walk, but what an amazing transformation I went through at the time and the same could be said for the ten year old version of me when compared to the twenty year old; such massive amounts of change in so short a period.
I've thought a lot about the spaces between the changes lately, those moments when we're not experiencing a huge shift emotionally or physically and life seems to be moving to a familiar beat. I came to wonder if change is still occurring in those moments, and have decided it is.
As a person I'm constantly redefining what I know through the experiences I have; some are familiar and repeated and some new but is it the moment itself, the event or experience, that causes change or is it what happens between them that brings it?
I believe it's the thoughts, emotions and feelings, that bring about change, the way we perceive the events and experiences of life, that takes us one way or another; sometimes by default, design or necessity and at other times by chance. It's in the space between life's happenings, and in our own hearts, minds and soul, where change begins because we have the choice to make it happen or not; we can embrace change and development or remain in place.
When something occurs, a good or bad thing in our lives, we have the ability to determine a path forward, a choice in how we perceive the event and the opportunity to think and act in one way or another...I believe it's right there, in that moment between moments, that can define us, bring growth, development or progression and help us on the path towards better outcomes.
People respond to the events of life differently because we're all different people. The same event experienced by ten people is likely to be perceived, felt and reacted to in ten different ways, and that's how it should be. But I'm just me and it's myself I'm responsible for, and that's why I pay attention to those moments in between, why I focus on them and how I feel, think and the attitudes I have because of it. It's through that process I find better decisions and I believe it's why I feel increasingly content in life.
I have experienced difficult times like everyone else, just as I have enjoyed such happy times I felt I may burst; that's how life is. I feel responsible though, for the overall me, and I believe it's that which helps me gain the best from my life, along with paying attention to what happens in between the moments in between.
Becca 💗
Big changes in a span of 10 years only! We have to embrace it (mostly new tasks and responsibilities)! Some are very difficult to do, but once done and completed, they will turn out to be very fulfilling and rewarding! Cheers!
Change can be a little scary at times, but it's inevitable and I'd rather embrace it and live a happier life than fight it.
Becca 💗
I couldn't agree more! Let's be embracing than resisting 😊
Change is the only constant they say. At the end of the day how we deal with any given situation, while it may be different to how someone else deals with it is irrelevant as we deal with the consequences of our thoughts, reactions and motions through life. It's good that you've found peace with all the change and how you feel about your overall self. I don't think I'm there yet. I doubt I ever will be to be honest.
Resisting change works in certain situations, sure, but with one's own life and the changes experiences and time bring I think it's best to work with it, to guide and shape it rather than ignore it; at least that way we have some influence right?
Becca 💗