I've been debating for a long time whether I should start a blog series that's not about games or others, but simply about myself. The Grumpy old man who has simply acquired so many bad habits that it might also be interesting for others to see how you try to fight your way out of them.
So today I invite you to follow me on a journey that I don't yet know exactly where it's going and maybe it's just the way that's interesting and just doesn't lead anywhere.
About me: I have reached the middle of life, but I still think I am in my mid-20s, at least until I feel my body or look at it in the mirror. Hardly a day goes by when nothing hurts or I don't feel like I've gained another pound.
But at least I want to put an end to the flab once and for all. And you can follow me. You won't hear from me every day and maybe not even on days that went badly, but you will hear from me.
Let's take inventory then. I weigh about 235 lbs which is not too bad if I were 8 ft tall, but I guess I'm not.
So the first thing to do is to lose 65 lbs, ideally spread over a year, because I have other things to do.
When you read this, you realise straight away that this will not be an easy task, but rather a marathon and perhaps 1 year is a bit optimistic. But according to my motto: Strive greatness!
I will approach this with IF or intermediate fasting. I'll just skip breakfast, it shouldn't be too hard 🤣. There are many articles and videos, like this this (from nutritionfacts.com) one, that show the enormous benefits fasting could bring.
Beyond that, I will try to eat a largely vegan diet, I think I just owe it to my children, even though I really do love eating meat. But I am firmly convinced that I can also be full vegan and just not wake up every morning feeling like I wrestled with a bear all night.
I know this is going to be incredibly hard for me, so don't expect a new series here showing you how easy it is to lose almost a third of your weight. Rather, you will accompany me through all the ups but also through the many, many downs that will come. Look forward to posts where I cry and ask for your permission to just eat chocolate.
But that's real life and I firmly believe that this is exactly what will make this series interesting for you too.
So leave a comment if you want to cheer me on, but also if you want to laugh at me for the madness. And if you want to follow me on this scary journey, I look forward to have you on my side!