I've been hearing a bit more about testosterone lately and how all of the fear and hate against testosterone for the last 80+ years I think it's been has been because of ONE study that had ONE participant in it! Lol wtf? "Trust the science" loses so many times with shit like this hahaha.
Testosterone is definitely CRITICAL for men, especially nowadays. As you said there is so much soy and estrogen out there coming from so many different angles and areas. It's difficult as a man for sure! I'm trying to help educate my son on these little things as we go. He was helping me look at some of the foods when we were at the grocery store and I looked at the ingredients of one thing and said no. He asked why then I told him because it had soybean oil in it and that's very bad for boys. Now he asks if there is soy in some of the things we buy and to find things without it hahaha. They're too funny sometimes!
It's great that your son trusts you like that to actually listen to your advice. It can be tremendously difficult to convince the nieve that there seriously are things in our food that are meant to disrupt the natural ebb and flow of our bodies. Hard to accept that the world doesn't want what is best for you. Luckily, you can still want the best for yourself.
I cannot begin to explain how much more manly and confident I feel now that my T levels are so high. I always heard that it makes you too aggressive, but I think that only applies if you don't have self-control and are naturally an angry person. Sure I am more likely to voice my opinion in a public situation now, but I still am not going to do anything absurd. This has been such an amazing choice and I look forward to getting my estrogen levels back down to where they need to be so I can finally feel optimum.