Setting your goals rightly.

Any individual that wants to achieve his or her dreams , they should ensure that they really have a clear vision , what really makes you happy or what will make you happy ? Is it the fame ? Is it the fortune?? What is that exact thing which you really want? Well I think your vision should be more realistic though..

You should learn to create a vision which is compelling , you need to ignite your imagination and you need to picture your ideal life with no any form of obstacle..

Setting goals is a great thing but ensure that you are Setting the realistic goals , You should always remember to set the realistic goals which will be possible to achieve and not an unrealistic goals...For example you should not expect to win a 100meter race if you are not a good runner and you do not have passion for cannot expect to be recognized as one of the best chefs in the world when you do not have the right cooking skills or talents or knowledge about cooking itself..

The bottomline is that you should set goals which correlates with your vision and your talent or skills or knowledge..

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After setting a realistic goals for yourself, the next thing you should do is to create a plan of action , plan of action means taking the right actions towards achieving those goals which you set for yourself , it will make you to be able to stay focused on your goals and be able to create specific tasks which will make your goals reached and help you stay on track.

Failure to set your goals in the right way might make it difficult for you to be able to achieve those goals , and your goals should be motivated by your vision towards life..

You should set your goals based on your passion , you cannot have passion for writing and be setting goals to become a pilot when you do not have passion for flying an airplane.. Your goals will become easier to achieve if it surrounds your passion..

Aiming for the unrealistic goals could become a waste of time and efforts and that is why you need to be careful when setting your goals, make sure you set the right goals which suits you..


In short .. your goals should be SMART... Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timed.

Vision is the propeller for every decision that leads to a course of action. It is the dynamite that changes the look of things... Hehe