Winning the fight against procrastination

in Self Improvement9 months ago


In my view, a killer of dreams, easy way to failure is how I describe procrastination. Talking about procrastination I could describe myself some years earlier as a master in it. It felt so convenient postponing important things for a little pleasure or something less important.

Procrastination always brings the feeling of I can always do it later, ignoring the fact that later might not be convenient, forgetfulness can make you leave it out completely and could lead to incomplete tasks. Well anyone who procrastinates is well aware of the dangers and how bad it affects ones life.

Rather than focus on the effects, the remedy is worth searching for, I'd share some things that helped me to a great extent.

First I identified the less important or pleasurable things that I skip important tasks for. Next I convinced myself of the benefits of the tasks I was to accomplish and how well my life would be improved by finishing in due time. An important part of my improvement is proper planning, I plan my day accordingly with the tasks I'm to complete and the time to complete them, then as a reward for completion in due time I do some pleasurable activities.

Another great help is an accountability partner, one who can keep you in check and make sure that activities are done, accountability partners does not necessarily need to be someone doing exactly same activities but someone who helps to make sure that you do yours and on time.

Procrastination is terrible and winning the fight is really worth it.