So much good info. And not just info we need to be made aware of but also we need to be reminded of it. Grounding bare feet on the earth feeling the grass beneath you, yes I agree we need to do this often. I also try to get regular walks in bare feet along the beach. So good for the soul. The hours sleep before midnight topic I agree with 100% also. As regards the spine - yes, yes, yes. Have you heard of Neuro Kinetics? I've been treated with it and have even taken a course on it to learn the basics as a practitioner. More info: - I took the course through this guy. The touch is so light you hardly feel it but after a 30 min treatment you feel like you have had a full on massage. In a nutshell, various points of the body where nerve endings attach to the skeleton are lightly touched & respond with messages to the brain (telling it something is wrong) and it (the brain) over the next 24-48 hours or so goes to work realigning your spine. You have to be treated with it to understand the benefits. When I first heard about it and even during my first treatment I thought it was quackery but I was convinced of the benefits over the next few days as my spine would crack itself back into place as if by magic.
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That sounds amazing.
It reminds me of limbic touch. I'll look into it.🙂Wow @Davidtron
I'm heartened to hear you go barefoot. Like you say, "good for the soul".
Thank you so much for adding your valuable information to this post.
I hope many will be inspired and find benefit, as well ask questions if more information is needed.😃