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RE: Newbie Expectations And Reality

What I like about your posts is that you’re as open-minded as open-minded can be, and I believe that is how people need to be to enjoy Hive and create good relationships here. You’ll see a lot of strange things, things you don’t agree with and ones you don’t much about or have heard nothing about, but you’ll have to at least be willing to hear other people’s version of their stories and understand that things work differently everywhere.
You write these newbie guiding series posts from experience and that’s what makes it priceless. Writing it from memories and experience of back in the day when you just started, is what makes it helpful, because newbies really see their feelings, actions and mistakes in your writing. They’ll listen if someone they admire and look up to, and has also been in their position before tells them what works and what doesn’t from experience.


Being open-minded is the only way both here and in real life in my opinion. I've seen the opposite and the devastating effects of it. And of course I'm writing from experience as that's also the only true way. I've been a newbie once, have been through a lot myself and know what it means to be lost or to get help when you need it. We need to give back to the community, plus the community is as strong as the weakest link, so ... 😏