Even if I was supposed to have posted the 21st chapter of this book on the 21st of this month but I made sure I submit it today even if I know this is 10 days later than my planned Schedule but I still finished eating this frog even the bones.
So thank you for being my beloved audience 🍭🍬
You have to guard and nurture your energy level at all times and by energy I mean Your Physical, mental and emotional energies.
I don't know if you have noticed this but working long hours does not always get your work done. Yes I know you totally agree with me and you are wondering why, I'll give you Brian Tracy's answer to this this is because your productivity begins to decline after eight or nine Hours of work so staying longer does not help get the work done faster.
If you study yourself well, you will notice that there are specific times during the day that you are at your best and if I tell you that time for me is in the morning it does nothing for me but you need to identify these times and discipline yourself to use them on your most important tasks and challenging tasks because one reason for Procrastination is fatigue or attempting to start on a task when you have no energy and just like a cold engine in the morning you can't seem to get yourself started
The truth is sometimes you feel overwhelmed with too much to do in a little period of time just say to yourself that "All I can do is all I can do"
You really can't do more than you can so there's no need to spend the not yet enough time worrying but you just have to make sure you work when you work
Focus your energy
As much as you think an hardworking man is known while working, it might also please you to know that one of the smartest thing you can do is leaving your work table, turning off the lights and get to bed by 10:00 because as minute as it sounds one extra hour of sleep per night can change your entire life.
Take one full day off every week not to work from home but get yourself to do anything that doesn't tasks your brain but allows it to completely recharge itself is a step you should be so willing to take.
To guard your energy levels you must be also willing to be careful about what you eat.
A Brian Tracy's suggestion for you is starting the day with a high protein, low- fat and low- carbohydrate breakfast
And your lunch break is better eating salads with fish or chicken. You need to avoid sugar, salt, white flour products and desserts.
Eating lean and healthy, exercising regularly and getting lots of rest,. you'll get much better work done easier and with greater satisfaction than ever before 🤞
I get that around you is so much negativity that you are now used to seeing problems at every turns you take instead of solutions but I'll tell you that this attitude won't help you to act and you won't be able to gain footing to play at the top of your game.
Most of your emotions, positive or negative are determined by how you talk to yourself on a minute to minute basis. And now you tell me that it's just because of the bad things that happens to you are uncountable compared to the scanty good things but It is not a matter of what happens to you but how you interpret what happens to you that determines how you feel.
To motivate yourself you must resolve to be an optimist. You must decide to respond positively to the words, actions and reactions of the people and situations around you.
You must refuse to let the unavoidable difficulties and setbacks of daily life affect your mood or emotions.
Your level of self esteem is central to your levels of motivation and persistence and so you need to talk to yourself positively.
To overcome feelings of doubt or fear, continually tell yourself "I can do it, I can do it"
Resolve to remain cheerful.
To be successful you need to develop a positive mental attitude
You need to learn the 4 special behaviours of an optimist
🍭Look for the good in every situation
🍭 Seek for the valuable lesson in every setback or difficulty.
🍭Look for the solution to every problem
🍭 Think and talk continually about your goals
You don't have to only think and talk you also have to learn to take actions.
Thinking and talking about your goals helps you to focus and keeps you energised
There's more to life than just increase its speed
I'm sure that at this point we all know that technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy so you are at liberty to choose what you want.
As much as you might not think this is necessary or true, For you to stay calm and clear-headed you need to detach on a regular basis From the technological and communication devices.
Technology is meant to help us improve the quality of our lives not to motivate us to put off our most important tasks till later but the use of communications devices can quickly become a form of addiction.
When checking your emails is what takes away most of your time,you can delegate the task of sorting your emails to your secretary and if you don't have one, you can decide on a particular time to sort your emails.
Some times your FROG stares at you in the eye so large and formidable that it takes extra courage for you not to Procrastinate but you have to start dicing it and take it slice by slice.
When you start and finish on a particular task, you erase the feelings of self doubt and you you feel elated and in control
This completion gives you the great feeling of happiness and satisfaction that accompanies any success.
Determine to take one bite at a time until the plate is empty will help you better than you can think.
When you think of your greatest task it looks like you can never have enough time to eat it but when you break them into Little daily tasks they seem familiar and easy to accomplish.
Instead of Procrastinating on your important tasks just for phone time you can just choose a specific time to be on the phone and make sure you don't use more than the allocated time
You can decide to read a book every 15 minutes before you sleep and before you realise you have read a lot of books.
Let all your time be planned even to your minutes and your seconds let them all be planned and when it's time for work don't add pleasure
Work while you work.
Even while in the air you can still be in control of how your second passes by. You can have a very detailed planned schedule for your every minute before you get on the plane and when you are in the plane you just get on with your scheduled tasks.
One outwardly identifiable quality of high performing men and women is action orientation.
They are in a hurry to get their key tasks completed.
They take their time to sit, plan and set their Priorities then they take actions
When you work on your most important tasks at a high and continuous level of activity, you can enter into an amazing state called flow.
And I get that you have a little idea of what flow means I'll still say it "Flow is the highest human state of performance and productivity.
Trigger in yourself the inner drive and desire to get the on with the job and get it done fast.
It motivates you to keep going and keep going, it feels like racing against yourself.
And with this you develop a "bias for action", you take action rather than Talking about your plans and goals
You just want to Check for the next step in action and do it now
You can always say this to yourself when you are done planning DO IT NOW, DO IT NOW and when your attention is diverted you say BACK TO WORK, BACK TO WORK.
Eat that Frog takes every bit of planning, prioritizing and organising.
You just keep working without diversion until the task is complete.
Don't try to do two different task at the same times because it cuts down your speed and makes you to lag behind in the both
You need to prepare thoroughly before you start your day because going about searching for something that you need will just make your plans delayed and may obstruct your motivation
The ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you like it or not.
Starting a high priority task and persisting until the task is 100% complete is the true test of your character and high performance.
The key to all of this is for you to determine the most valuable and important thing you could possibly do at every moment and take the necessary actions.
Thank you for staying to the very end.