dorika-bee cross-posted this post in Self Improvement 3 years ago

Lepljenje tapet-amateri u ulozi majstora-Gluing wallpaper-amateurs in the role of masters

in Construction3 years ago

Dobar dan prijatelji.
Pisala sam već oovome kad sam lepila tapete po prvi put u svom stanu.Osvezila sam hodnik pa sam narucila i za drugu sobu.Videla sam da to nije strasno i tesko.Mozda bi oko profesionalca našlo neku zamerku ali meni super izgleda.
Ovaj put sam naručila tapete dezena "kore drveta".Želela sam braon nijanse.Od najsvetlije do najtamnije.Zidove sam okrecila u svetlo krem i zelela sam neki kontras.Tapete sam lepila u jednom ćosku.Ovako sam to uradila.
Od materijala vam je potrebno:
Tapeta,lepak,četka,metar,makaze,skalper,lenir i pamucne krpe za istiskivanje vazduha.

Good day friends.
I already wrote about this when I glued wallpaper for the first time in my apartment. I freshened up the hallway, so I ordered for another room. I saw that it was not passionate and difficult. Maybe a professional would find some objection, but it looks great to me.
This time I ordered wallpaper patterns "bark". I wanted brown shades. From the lightest to the darkest. I turned the walls into light cream and I wanted some contrast. I glued the wallpaper in one corner. This is how I did it.
From the material you need:
Wallpaper, glue, brush, meter, scissors, scalper, ruler and cotton cloths to expel air.


Prvo izmerim dužinu zida,zatim na podu(posto nemam radni sto za to) raširim tapetu,izmerim željenu dužinu,merim više puta da ne pogrešim,obeležim i makazama sečem tapetu.

First I measure the length of the wall, then I spread the wallpaper on the floor (since I don't have a desk for that), I measure the desired length, I measure several times so that I don't make mistakes, I mark and cut the wallpaper with scissors.


Ove tapete je trebalo uklopiti.Okrenula ssm prednju stranu i stavila sam drugi deo pored.Trebalo je da odsecem 18cm od drugog dela da bi se šare uklopile.Onda sam izmerila dužinu koja mi odgovara i tako 4 puta.

These wallpapers had to fit. I turned the front side and I put the other part next to it. I had to cut 18 cm from the other part to fit the patterns. Then I measured the length that suits me and so on 4 times.


Kad sam završila merenje i sečenje kreće lepljenje.Lepak sam spremila prema upustvu.Odredila sam koji deo lepin prvo.To je bitno jer sam pocela iz ćoška a posto imam 4 trake(2 na jedan zid ,2 na drugi) prvo sam lepila traku broj dva zatim tri pa cetiri pa jedan.

When I finished measuring and cutting, I started gluing. I prepared the glue according to the instructions. I determined which part of the glue first. This is important because I started from the corner and since I have 4 strips (2 on one wall, 2 on the other) I glued strip number two then three and then four and then one.


Lepak sam stavila prvo na tapetu,savila sam je i treba da odstoji par minuta da upije lepak.Za to vreme nanosim lepak na zid.

I put the glue on the wallpaper first, I folded it and it should stand for a few minutes to absorb the glue. During that time, I apply the glue to the wall.




Ovo je krajnji rezultat a ova ekipa mi je pomogla.Sad cemo zajedno da uživamo i odmaramo ovde.

This is the end result and this team helped me. Now we will enjoy and rest here together.


Pozdrav od vaše Dorike

Greetings from your Dorika