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RE: Neither half empty or half full - Just everything

in Self Improvement3 years ago

I think this was perfectly said @becca-mac, there are perspectives but half full or half empty is very black and white thinking. It's either good or bad, but life isn't like that unless you are inclined to think that way.

A day can be filled with both good and bad parts, experiences etc., it is how we interpret them that gives them life and if we make the bad parts more important in our minds than anything good, well then yes, it would seem like everything is bad. We have it in our power to evaluate everything. We have it in our power to also change how we feel about certain things because even things that seem negative can still hold lessons and sometimes are actually blessings in disguise.

I hope you feel better soon.


You've got it worked out I think, some anyway, and I agree with you. Evaluation and change is pivotal to life progressing in ever better ways, or so I believe.

Thanks for your comment.

Becca 🌻