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RE: Bad company and the attitude bridge

in Self Improvement3 years ago

This is the beautiful thing about good friendship...your friend probably understands how you're feeling and you sent an apology, I am sure that was accepted and perhaps in that moment, you needed to have the conversation. We're all human and we all have gloomy days, it just takes a bit of humanity to extend some grace to each other.

I hope you are going to have a much, much better time at work and you really need to go easy on yourself. I know that most people are their own worst critics, perhaps you need to extend that same grace to yourself as you would to someone else.

Beautiful photograph as well. Hope you feel better soon 🙂


I'm human, despite there being strong evidence to the contrary, and so do human things although I try not to do too many as humans do some terrible things don't they?

Humans do the opposite though, the really good things, so I try to more of that, including apologising genuinely when I need to.

Thanks for the comment on my photo...I'm not much of a photographer but sometimes the point and shoot method works out.