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RE: Think like a leader: Week eleven

in Self Improvement2 years ago

This is something that I think is largely overlooked these days. I think that people overlook the fact that there is choice in the matter. It's something that I've written about in posts and comments recently - if something is weighing you down, what can you actually do to remove that from being a strain? I've had to cut toxic friendships and relationships in the past and while it can be painful, it's worthwhile in the end if you take a step back and weigh up the situation objectively.

You need to be able to release the bad stuff while nurturing the good stuff. Not every relationship is going to be sunshine and rainbows but if it's constantly storm clouds and thunder, it become more taxing than it's worth. This happens in work place environments as well and so often people get so tied in to the scenario because they are dependent on the income that they fail to see how it might be destroying their soul.


We always have choice, Viktor E. Frankl wrote about that. Sure, the choice may not always lead to a good place, but it is choice nonetheless, even should that choice be to think differently or have a particular attitude.

Removing negative or toxic people or situations is of paramount importance to those who want to move forward with more confidence, efficiency and a better chance for greater results...But for some, surrounding themselves with all the shit feels safe, comfortable or whatever...maybe it's just that they don't know how to get on with the drive towards a better life and so staying in place seems preferable. Maybe it's because they gain a feeling of validation to be enmeshed in the drama and gossip of toxic relationships. I have no clue, all I know is that negative people don't make me feel good so I get rid of them.