It's been ages since my last newbie guide I've written, so I think it's time for another one. Every beginning is difficult and I can understand what newbies are going through when registering. Hive is a complex platform, one needs time to understand how things work and I think what I'm going to write about today will help those that are new on the platform.
I've been seeing these types of behavior while curating every single day. While Hive is a decentralized platform and you do what you want, there are things you should not do, or you should do these things in a different way at a different time. This means what I'm going to discuss in this post is not a must as no one can force you to do so, but it is recommended.
Again, don't expect academic language in this post. My goal is to make it as simple as possible, so everyone can understand what I'm writing about. We have a lot of users for whom English is a foreign language, myself included, so I'd like them to understand this post too.
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Not Replying To Comments, To Save RC
Posting on Hive is free, however, you need some stake to do it without any obstacles. For those of you who don't know what stake is, we call stake the Hive Power (HP) you have in your wallet. Hive becomes Hive Power, when you power up your Hive.
When you register to Hive, you can start without any initial investment, but your Resource Credit (RC) will decrease with every action you make, like posting, commenting or upvoting posts and/or comments. This means you'll be restricted, till your RC recharges to a certain degree.
I see some newbies posting their second and even third post without replying to comments left on their first post. When I approach them, it turns out they are doing that to avoid consuming RC. Sometimes they are told by their onboarders to do that and it's possible some are taking the decision on their own, after figuring out how RC works. This may be a way to save or let your RC build up, but it's the worst one, trust me.
Now let's look at the matter from another angle. Imagine yourself reading some newbie posts, greeting and welcoming them on the chain, in an attempt to make them feel at home. You keep an eye on them, so you comment on their second post for the same reason. Then you see they are posting their third post already, yet they did not bother to reply to any of the comments. Would you waste your time with them, reading their post and commenting when they are ignoring you? I wouldn't.
Replying to comments takes priority over posting. You're going to consume your RC on replying to comments and maybe you'll have to wait for another day to be able to post again, but those who are about to support you will come back, read, vote and comment on your post next time as well, knowing you appreciate their effort. It's kind of the same as in real life. Why would I greet you every day if you don't greet me back? Is it rude? It is where I come from. Why would it be different on Hive.
Cashing Out As Soon As You Get Your First Payout
This is not something unique on Hive either, unfortunately. You see them claim their first rewards and the liquid is hitting the exchanges as soon as possible. The part that is powered up by default gets powered down shortly after. Then when I remind them to reply to comments, they say they don't have enough RC and ask for a delegation.
Everyone is free to do whatever they want with their earnings. This means you're free to cash it out and those who have the necessary funds to delegate, are free to delegate you, or not. In such cases most of the users choose not to delegate, myself included. If you don't have enough RC to support your activity on Hive, you don't have any RC to support others either. Yet you're asking for help, while cashing out your earnings. Again, you can do it, just don't expect help from others.
Delegating Your Stake Too Early
The idea of getting some free money is always tempting. This is why you see some users delegating almost all their stake to different projects at a very early day, even with the risk of not having any left for their daily Hive activity. This leads to not voting anyone, which reflects poorly on you. Expecting support but not giving back any is just selfish if you ask me.
You can earn without delegating, so it is recommended to build some stake first, then delegate, when you already have enough for your daily activity.
Following Voting Trails
You have two options on Hive, when it comes to voting. Vote manually or follow a voting trail. Voting by yourself means you read the post and cast your vote. This is obviously time consuming, but it's also the best way to build relationships, get followers which may lead to getting votes, and earn curation rewards.
The other way is to follow a curation trail, or two or how many you want. This has a downside too. You are blindly trusting the person who is voting, but you're the one suffering the consequences of voting on posts that are not respecting the rules. So it's better to take matters in your hands and vote yourself. The benefits are bigger, trust me.
Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash
Setting Proxy For Voting Witnesses
As you probably know, you can vote for 30 witnesses on Hive. You can vote and you should as well, as witnesses are the ones running the nods and ensure the correct behavior of the blockchain. The number of votes you have doesn't depend on the size of your stake. Your vote value does, but even if you have very little, you should not worry about that. In time, if you're staking your earnings, your vote value grows.
You can select 30 witnesses yourself, or you can choose a proxy to vote for you. However, in either cases the responsibility is yours. If your proxy is voting abusers, you'll be responsible for that. History has proven that making your own choice when it comes to voting witnesses is better than blindly, or foolishly trusting others.
If you're an onboarder, please make sure those you're onboarding understand hat they are doing. It's our obligation to pass on what we know.
I hope this helps. Also, let me know if there are things you don't understand.

If you're a newbie, you may want to check out these guides:
- Communities Explained - Newbie Guide
- Cross Posting And Reposting Explained, Using PeakD
- Hive Is Not For Me
- How To Pump Your Reputation Fast - Newbie Guide
- Tips And Tricks & Useful Hive Tools For Newbies
- Community List And Why It Is Important To Post In The Right Community

Esta bueno mencionar estas cosas, tanto para novatos como para gente que ya esta desde hace un tiempo en Hive porque es fácil olvidarnos de cosas. Me parece super útil que hagas esa comparativa con la realidad ¿Por qué saludaríamos a alguien o le hablaríamos si no hay respuesta? las bases de hive son eso, realizar sociales con las personas y si comienzas y no te das a conocer de una buena forma vas a quedar en el camino.
That is very true, but people tend to forget. Many are coming from Web2 and think giving a Like is enough. Well, Hive is a community and voting is not like Likes on Web2 platforms. You need to earn your followers on Hive and your upvotes too as no one is obliged to do those, just because you may know them.
I think this is better written as "Voting by yourself".... so it does not sound like they voting on their post.
This is great advice I must, some advice which I never had during my beginning here.
I don't subscribe to powering down your earning quickly as a newbie. I make sure to advise that to people I have brought in here so far. And I tell them, how do they think I raise the little amount of HP I got? That was because I was not 100% in for the cash at first but for the growth, and the money came along.
Thanks for pointing that out. Correction has been made.
No worries, we all went through this and learn a lot on our own, sometimes made mistakes by not know what's right.
The pleasure is mine...
It happens when I'm tired.
It's weird that someone who isn't new to Hive can give such a fool advice - to not respond to comments to save RC for publishing next post. Because... first things first. There is a first post, comments to it, reply to comments. And then next post. Besides, you shouldn't publish every day, or twice a day, so the second post can wait for RC to recharge.
Regarding reward.... this is my pain when I see the situation you describe. Platform welcomes you and helps you. Your reward is their votes. Curators have the right to expect that the people they have supported for a long time will eventually become curators themselves, and will support others. That is, they will return value to the platform. "Pay it forward". This is how it works in everyday life. So immediate cashing out looks a little ungrateful.
It is weird but has happened several times. And the worst in this is, when these newbies get to onboard others, this is what they will say to them as this is what they have learnt.
And yes, taking, taking, taking, taking, and asking for more is the new norm. Giving back seems not to be important. It's pretty selfish, but that's the world we're living on. Unfortunately.
Shit spreads quickly 😁
It dos, doesn't it? ☹️
Hive is a huge platform and a lot of people are joining every day. A lot of them don't know what to do and how to do it, and articles like this help people learn the platform. It's a bit difficult to accumulate stakes at first, but it will get better with time. We just need to be patient and not use Hive as a earn and spend platform. Hive is a platform where the more we accumulate, the more we earn.
I hope it helps.
It is difficult to accumulate stake, especially if one cashing out their rewards :)
I don't shy away from delegating hp to friends of mine who have joined hive even if they didn't join through me but I always make sure to tell them I will undelegated it the moment they get substantial hive power, this is to tell them that their first payout should always be powered up cause I will need the hp I've delegated back to earn curation or also delegate to people who need it.
I always advice against cashing out your first earning even tough some of my friends never listen😂😂
You should also tell them that delegation is removed if they commit abuse :)
Not just the first one. In my opinion you should build some stake, before starting to cash out.
Sure, I will make sure I do that.
Sure, I think that's the best way out. You should support others as well not just others supporting you all the time.
That is very true. However, for some it's hurtful to hear.
hehe, they will get over it.
Replying to comments keeps the door open and staking hive power is very important in building your audience because every business needs to get stabilized before you start withdrawing.
Thank you so much.
This is really helpful because it has helped me to see some aspect where am doing well and where I said adjust.
You're welcome. It meant to help those who need some guidance. I see these things every day, so I thought I'd write a post, to have as reference, if needed.
You really did well, because sometimes as a newbie we get confused but with this guide one can push further and be successful.
Hi @erikah,👋
How timely this post, I didn't know I could vote for 30 witnesses!
I have a few questions:
If I haven't voted yet, can it affect my reputation in any way?
When voting, how can I make sure I choose the right ones?
And the projects like hivebuzz and others? is it also necessary to vote or support?
These are messages that I receive every time I publish and I don't know if it is important to take it into account.
Won't doing so lower my hp?
Voting witnesses has nothing to do with your reputation. Your reputation goes up if people vote you and goes down when you're downvoted. It's a useless metrics that serves for nothing, yet people care about it so much.
Before you vote for witnesses, you check them out to see what they do for the chain. Some are only running nodes, while others are offering other services.
You vote who you want. No one can force you to vote anyone. Please read the message you get, check hivebuzz out.
The only thing that can lower your HP is you or a hacker powering down your stake. This is a decentralized platform, you're in charge of your wallet.
Gracias por la orientación. Lo tomaré en cuenta.🌷☺️
My pleasure.
Sorry I answered you in Spanish 🤭.
I was saying:thanks for the guidance, I'll keep it in mind. 👍
No worries, Google Translate is my friend 😄 and you're welcome 😊
No es obligatorio votar por HiveBuzz pero el apoyo de la comunidad es útil y nos permite continuar con nuestro trabajo de gamificación de la plataforma Hive.
Si aún no lo ha hecho, su voto para nuestra propuesta de financiamiento es bienvenido.
Hola amigos, gracias por la orientación tenía esa duda, con gusto apoyaré sus propuestas.❤️
Pero tengo un inconveniente: Le doy en soporte y luego en aprobar y me da error.
¿Qué error estás recibiendo?
Saludos, este es el error

Debe agregar su clave activa a HiveSigner o usar Hive Keychain.
Gracias equipo @hivebuzz por la paciencia y ayuda.❤️
Transacción lograda. 🤗 Si hay algo o otra cosa importante que debo mejorar, agradezco su ayuda, no tengo mucha experiencia en la blockchain, pero estoy dispuesta a aprender.
Éxitos en su bonito trabajo. ❤️👍
This goes with the saying that you can not give what tou don't have so as a newbie, I am trying my best to build my reputation as well as to power up all my earnings so I can support others as well. Thank you for the information.
Supporting others is very important on Hive. How else are we supposed to grow? But, unfortunately, some are only thinking of themselves.
Your plan is a good one by the way.
Gradually we will get there. Thank you
Thank you my friend for sharing this brother
My pleasure.
Que buena publicación, la manera que explicaste es muy clara, tienes razón en muchas cosas, leeré las guías que dejaste al final.. son muy útiles, saludos.
I'm glad you find it useful. Good luck and happy reading.
Great education here. I have been on Chain for three months now, and this guide still sounds useful to me. I am still trying to build my stake before I go on with delegation. I have also not joined any curation trial by now; all I am currently doing revolves around learning more about the platform. Thank you for sharing @erikah, I will reblog this for my 15 followers.
Learning is a must if you want to make the most of the opportunities you have. There are people who are on the chain since the beginning and still hsve no idea how to manage their finances. Having a large stake and don't know how to use it is a waste of opportunity and money.
You also see people saying they are still newbies, all this after a year. They want decentralization but fail to realize freedom cones with responsibilities.
In fact, freedom come with responsibilities. It's important to educate ourselves and take ownership of our actions in the decentralized space.
I agree with the advice especially the advice on votes to other content. I think as our HP goes up, we take more control of those votes, because we want to give value to the content we like. Well, and when it becomes difficult to assume the burden of votes, you can go to some trail.
There's no such thing in my opinion. No matter how large your stake is, you can manage voting in different ways.
I was thinking about it from the point of view of someone not being able to attend to their account for a period of time, for vacations, rest or a period that is difficult to connect. In those moments i would take advantage of some trail that has my same interests. There is also the other option of just not voting and that's it.
Most newbies are too quick to cashing immediately they claim their first few earnings forgetting that the best way to gain ground and influence here is to exercise patience, stack up a couple of coins and power up. They can even earn from their curation rewards.
Maybe because their referrals told them hive is a place where you post and make money.
The truth is that most of them are impatient to take time and read and learn how hive works. It is pertinent to do that.
Also I think their referrals should inform them that they will have to take time to gather some power first before they could consider withdrawing their earnings.
I do see some say they have problems to solve that's why they do so. Well, truth is, everyone of us has a problem to solve but we just have to sacrifice.
In the end, every action/decision is a matter of choice.
Unfortunately there's a huge change this is how onboarders operate.
You're also right about the reason people say they are cashing out. They don't understand that those who are voting them have the power to do so because they chose not to cash out. As I said in my post, everyone is free to cash out, but cashing out every penny then expecting to be supported is a bit selfish.
Everyone has problems to solve, no one's life is a Disneyland.
Absolutely 👍
This a post for all and not only newbies. This post explains most of the things I should know and what I will do to make my stay on hive a success.
For this, I don't know how it is done. For witnesses, is there a way we could get access to their efforts before we can vote for them? If so, which site can we do that on?
Thanks overall for making his post.
Go to peakd,click witnesses, access the lista and see what they do.
Thank you
Thanks @erikah for this. You just reaffirmed the things I had to learn on the way and helped me learn some more. You are very explicit in explaining and quite good at it. Thanks for taking the time to do this. #hugs
You're welcome. These posts are meant to help users learn, so being explicit is a must. Otherwise I would be writing for myself.
Thanks for this master piece. Newbies have lot to learn in order to succeed here on hive. And these pieces of advise really help newbies make better progress. And I add that most newbies don't have time to building relationship via reading, commenting and up voting these are things that help to introduce you to the members of the platform not replying is annoying and in simple language you tell the one who comments on your work not to come again . Powering down it's a good option myself I'm a victim of powering down because I needed to pay my final year tuition in the university I hope I build back.
Then why are they here?
You're not a victim of powering down. You did it on your own, you can't call yourself a victim. Maybe a victim of your ow self.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
I understand that, but calling yourself a victim of something you intentionally do is wrong.
Oh no, but using what I have to solve my pressing need isn't a crime right?
Did I say it's a crime? As I can't see where did I do that.
You on the other hand called yourself a victim of something you intentionally did. So please.
The future has more to offer us. Enjoy your weekend dear friend.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
Can you please stop comment spamming? Or do I need to mute you?
So sorry about that it's poor internet from my country. I don't spam .
A big question asking for answers. Anyone who's not ready to under take the basics of isn't here for anything else but to milk and run away and when such didn't work for them they stop posting and tag it that the platform doesn't reward.
Maybe yes, or maybe I just have to use what I have to solve my pressing needs. Still grateful that hive is solving real life challenges.
Selfimprovement is connecting with others and learning from others and become the best we can be daily and consistently.
This information is very important and valuable for newbies and for those of us who did not have the opportunity to watch classes from scratch and learned on our own, making mistakes due to lack of knowledge, but the idea is to improve. I have always said it, Hive is a big ocean where we start being so small, less than a little fish and there is a lot to learn.
Like in any are of life, there's a lot to learn here. Some want to learn, others don't. Learning material is always available if you look hard enough.
I remember when I subscribe into a lot of voting trails😂 I didn't know what was draining my voting power until I realized
Yes, it drains your power pretty quickly.
Thanks for the post, some valuable information here, most of TeamPH are new to the Hive Eco System, this will assist us very much! I would very much appreciate your feedback on our future posts. Kind regards
You're welcome. You can find more newbie guides as a footnote in my posts.
Very informative guide! The formatting is great and the way you describe each subject is straight to the point. Thanks for creating and sharing!
My pleasure.
Discord Server.This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our
Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share more than 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators in the form of IUC tokens. HP delegators and IUC token holders also get upto 20% additional vote weight.
Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.
100% of the rewards from this comment goes to the curator for their manual curation efforts. Please encourage the curator @bhattg by upvoting this comment and support the community by voting the posts made by @indiaunited.
Thank you!
This is a helpful one for newbies like me too.
Am still struggling to getting to know about give & how it really worked.
Time too may have some constraints on a flowing operation here. Most often than not, I see myself struggling to reply or to comment on posts. They can be much ehh😁😁
Thank you @erikah for sharing...I've learnt a great lot.
You're welcome.
You know what they say, if you have time to post, you should have time to comment as well.
For sure...efforts will be put into it
This information is very essential for me too. To even most old members have some little to learn from. I really like the advice on "Not replying to comments on post," "Cashing out our first post payout," and delegating too early which makes us less influence on others post like voting and commenting. We would keep track on these rules in order to engage the community.
This is very informative and important as well. I think I’ve been a victim of one or two. It’s great that you’re taking time to point out all these issues.
Moving forward, I think there is still so much to learn about hive.
Thank you for sharing. And for choosing a simple vocabulary. Thank you 🙏🏿
You can't call yourself a victim for something you've committed.
You've been a victim of your own self.
Thank you for sharing this. We are all reminded by this helpful guide. God bless. ☺️
It is an educational and easy to understand publication, thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us.
To be honest, with all the time I spent on Hive, I had barely any knowledge about any of these things. Thanks a lot for the info.
I also have to confess, I am also guilty for cashing out my first earnings immediately 😅
At least you did not say you're a victim of cashing out 🙂
Well, that's true 😂
I really enjoyed reading your post.
Wow I love this.
It's well explained
Will definitely share on my blog for others to see.
Thank you very much for being here for someone like me. I do appreciate all you're doing here. Although you said something about proxy and I don't understand it.
Please can you explain the above statement well for me. Thank you.
What exactly you don't understand?
I don't understand what the 30 witnesses is all about. How does the proxy work
I has a post about the witnesses and voting. you can read it here.
This will help me kickstart my journey on here as a newbie. It is very informative and has a lot of wisdom in there.