Describe the most interesting conversation you were part of today.
It was 8:10 in the morning and my home phone rang, yes, we have to have a hard line to get phone calls from the outside world. Some may think that is just awful not to be able to just text me, not talk, just punch out a few letters, bam done.
Text messages are great, really, but I like to hear a voice.
So, as I was saying, the phone rang this morning, and it was my #2 son.
His degree is in special education, he taught for ten years but decided to leave his job and be a stay-at-home dad for his three young children. Now seven years later, with the teacher shortage due to covid, he found an opportunity to go back to teaching.
He wanted to talk to me about some of the glitches that may keep him out still. The #1 thing was, could he earn enough to make him change the great routine with the kids, the security he felt knowing he was their caregiver.
Can I handle full time work and still get the kids where they needed to be for sports, school activities ect.? Will the chaos set in again?
Well with joy in his voice, which you don't get in texts, he told me he had been offered an excellent salary plus full benefits. Best part, he would be teaching in the same middle school he had attended as a boy. He felt right at home.
And He could start asap.
I was so happy for him, I laughed until I cried. He sounded so elated and proud of himself. Conversations don't get any better than that. When my children succeed, @thebigsweed and I feel successful too!
More happiness from farm-mom. Your joy is contagious!
That is such a lovely comment, thank you @owasco, nice to know you feel me.
That is fantastic news! Is he worried that going back to the same school to teach will lead him to smoke behind the bike shed again? 😅
After seven years, that is going to be a bit of a change in life routine, but perhaps it is a good time too - seven year itch and all, it seems to be a cycle.
I dont think it is possible to get landlines here now...
HaHa, no land lines? really. We would be lost without ours.
Yes I told him to just take one day at a time and will all work out. I do believe he is ready to get back, the kids are older now and with just a little help now and then, they will do just fine.
Please, I went to see the principals enough already with my 3 sons when they were young, now he can be the one to catch those kids up to no good, I am done!😟
Yeah, I think that some businesses still use them, but it has been many years since I have seen one in a residential house.
He knows all their tricks ;)