Self control is the antithesis of the social control exerted over us at all times. Consume, consume, consume. That is your mission as a human in our current world. There are many who have seen the evil that it is and have built religions around it.
I deal with the problem of self control in many aspects but have a general sense that things even out in life. Reducing stress response with a substance can be a requisite for some while for others it is the evil that digs them deeper into their hole. Sweets I can moderate my intake far easier than alcohol but feel more of a problem from the sweets. Probably cause of the sugar in the beer then adding the sugar of sweets...
Oh for sure there's such a ridiculous consumerism mindset that's out there. The focus on over consumption and gluttony is crazy. It's all of the deadly sins combined into one!
I think it's one of the challenges with alcohol - it's got such an easy draw but if you're not careful you'll get hooked pretty quickly!
Life is a fine play between tolerance and moderation.