it is a new year, be grateful

Being grateful is about not taking anything for granted and it involves looking at your life both the good side and bad side and embracing it. It involves showing appreciation for what we have even though it is little because somewhere out there they don't have what we call little, what we regard as insufficient is what they consider as abundant or plentiful.

When we awoke this morning, the first thought that sprang to mind was, "I'm late, let me shower and get to work." But we forget that it is by God's grace that we are able to wake up, not by our own strength or intelligence, or because we have a job or because it is usual. BE GRATEFUL.

Most people moan about their current occupations, and they are well aware that there are people out there looking for work who would gladly accept lower pay; some people have the potential to work but are unable to do so due to health difficulties. BE GRATEFUL

You go to work every day and return home safely every day, meeting your wife and children at home; you haven't been in an accident on your way home, and the least you can do is thank God. BE GRATEFUL

You have enough food to eat each day yet you still moan; remember, there are those out there who are starving and have nothing to eat but are still alive and do not complain. BE GRATEFUL

You're at home every night, sleeping comfortably with no interruptions; you're comfortable, but you're still complaining. Keep in mind that some countries are currently experiencing crises, and some people there have nowhere to sleep or rest. BE GRATEFUL

If you were raised by both parents or by a single parent, consider yourself fortunate; not everyone has that option, and not everyone has seen the person who gave birth to them..... Some were even picked up at the verge of death, and some were sold out by their parents, but we were raised by our parents, and you still grumble about them, BE GRATEFUL.

BE GRATEFUL for the family you have, people you can trust and who will stand by you through thick and thin. That is something that the majority of individuals do not have. I'm still perplexed as to why some people dislike their families; be grateful you have one and that you enjoy it.

BE GRATEFUL for your friends. if you have wonderful friends who aid you in times of need, who help you through your best and darkest periods when you least expect it, express your love and respect for them. Be grateful; not everyone is fortunate enough to have such friends.

It's fewer than 50 days till the end of the year, and if you're still alive and well, and haven't lost any of your loved ones since the beginning of the year, BE GRATEFUL.

You've been on this platform for a while now and you're complaining that random rewarder isn't visiting you like everyone else and you actually know that there are some people on this platform that haven't been visited by rusty. BE GRATEFUL because random rewarder still visits you. Don't give up.

We take little things for granted...... In our country here Oxygen is N4500(12 $) per hour in hospitals and N108,000(265$) per day... Imagine people are paying for oxygen that we breathe for free. This is another reason. BE GRATEFUL

There are a lot of reasons for we to be grateful, I can continue with it but I'm sure you guys have a reason to be grateful.

Thanks for reading ❤.


A man who is grateful for what he had will receive many times of what he have, so I see no need for a man to ever put his heart in where it doesn't, because sadness isn't our thing then a man should shift it away from it heart.

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