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RE: Week 19: Dipping Down and Under Kind of Week --But Still Holding Steading On Savings | 2022 SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB

in Self Improvement3 years ago

I haven't gotten into DeFi that much yet, but what you are doing looks very interesting. I thought your post here, speaking about "Dipping Down and Under" either had something to do with skinny dipping in Australasia, or maybe about a hypoglycemia reading. 😆

Reveal spoiler

Was feeling a bit out of sorts with the new trial meds for my Diabetes.

I have recently had my diabetes meds changed too. The doctor change me from Metformin, to a new tablet called Jardiamet, which still contains the same amount of Metformin that I used to take, but it also contains Empagliflozin, which is more commonly known by the brandname Jardiance, hence Jardiance + Metformin. Apparently this one is better for me as it does more for my associated cardiovascular issues.

By the way, thanks for introducing me to @build-it, which is one of your footer banners. That looks like a very interesting Tribe, and one that I am likely to be posting in soon.

Upvoted, Commented & Reblogged.


Hello @frittro. So nice to see you. My reference had to do with the market and my health with no feeling so good getting used to the new OZEMPIC. It's once a week, therefore strong as heck. Feeling nauseated daily with low energy. But this is only the 1st week. I'm on a 6-week schedule, then return to the doctor to evaluate.

I too took Medformin, as does everyone on first trial. It had a triple severe adverse effect...vomiting, diarrhea, weird spots developed over body.

I too have thyroid and cardio issues.

You're welcome on the Build-It Community. I use it for my posts on savings and investments as I feel I'm "building" wealth. You'll do good there for arts and crafts, and other neat outdoor activities. I also use it for my short fiction stories.

Thanks so much for your visit and your engagement. Take care.