Almost two months ago I ended my employment with a company I'd been with for five years and industry I've worked in for twenty years. It was an easy decision to make. I knew my time was up, that I didn't need or want to be there anymore; the employer or the industry. It had been good to me and I was good at it however I needed a change and that came through resignation and paradigm-shift which my hard work permitted me to do.
I spent the next month doing only those things I wanted to do, things that made my heart sing, reached inside me and caused deep happiness, balance and understanding.
I had no need to look for work, I simply designed and created my life in the shape I wanted it to take. I felt I'd earned the right after thirty eight years of working hard. I found exactly what I was looking for; Peace of mind, internal-comfort, an indistinct future, the ability to listen to myself more clearly and to feel what I felt without outward influences. It was a very nice process and one I'm so glad I began.
A few weeks ago I decided to take a look at what was out there from a job perspective, not so much with the desire to find work, more just to research, and it was at this time I ran into a recruiter who began to throw potential roles at me. Good, well-paying and interesting roles...None of which were in my previous industry. I began to see myself getting back into the workforce though and felt somewhat enthused that so many companies were interested in looking outside of their industries to acquire new talent.
I had already decided to be very selective with whatever scenario I dropped myself into and did just that.
I don't like the process of on-boarding and found it frustrating however after some back and forth received an offer. In line with my very selective ethos I told the recruiter I'd like to meet with the company again and interview them and clarify some points, which would give me the opportunity to make a better decision. Cheeky maybe, but had to be protective of myself. It happened, and I subsequently accepted the offer and start Monday, two months to the day I walked out of my previous role.
For privacy reasons I'll not go into details of the company however it's in the heavy transport industry, an incredibly strong industry in a country as large as mine.
It's a senior management role reporting to the Director/owner and is autonomous in the main, a work from anywhere type vibe which comes with the ability to heavily influence the company moving forward. I'll be working with clients, including government and private sector, driving sales growth and within the company seeking greater efficiency in systems and workflow, culture and revenue of course. Essentially the role is my own to design and create, a condition I find most agreeable.
Financially the role is a significant improvement on my previous role although that was less of a factor in truth. I was more interested in the culture and how people fit together, and within the company. It will be a more casual environment than my last including dress-code which is great; occasional business suit-wearing I can cope with. They have casual Friday, although for me every day will be casual compared to my last role, and have a physiotherapist come in each Friday to give massages and treatment to all the staff. They do a lot of functions and events also; on the occasions I was there it felt like a happy workplace. They also do a lot of sponsorship and charity work which I felt good about - They give back, not just take.
Overall I'm feeling positive about the company and role. Sure, it'll be a learning curve for me but I've never been one to shy away from challenge, indeed, it's through embracing challenges I've achieved my best results and rewards in life.
I've loved the two months off I took and found a deep sense of satisfaction in taking that time. I hiked, kayaked, off-roaded, went on day-trips, did photography, read books, wrote for the blockchain and off it, sat in coffee shops alone and with company, had lunches, afternoon naps, went shooting, gardened, did odd jobs at home, worked with my hands, beach-walked, snuggled with Cleo, watched a movie or two, documentaries and motorsport, listened to music cooked and a load of other things. It was glorious.
All of those things will still happen of course; my life is far more important than a job. Although, with my new role comes new horizons and I'll have to find a little more of a balance between the elements of my life including the work element.
I'm looking forward to the future and have such amazing plans for it however it's this moment I'm within, and being present has always been easy for me. Summarising what I do with life is simple for me, I design and create, and whilst my life hasn't always been the greatest each day I look backward with little regret then turn my focus back to the moment and the future, the new horizons that await.
When I wrote this post I was listening to the one hour version of this track...Here's a shorter version...It might help you move into an internal space and help you see new horizons.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
The image is my own
Congratulations for taking the time to enjoy life and choose what you wanted. Wishing you the best in this new venture.
Thanks man, much appreciated. The two months were awesome and I think I've made the right move but only time will reveal the truth of it.
Yay for finding a great fit :D feels good after taking much needed rest and recharge time? :)
Hey Ry, good to see you.
Yes, it seems like a good deal but we'll see how it goes. The time I had off, whilst not as long as I would have liked, was very valuable and rewarding. I feel ready for some new challenges.
And come a month or two will be wishing I was still doing nothing!
Deciding to just quit and live without a job probably took a lot of courage, especially a job you have worked on for that many years. It's great you did. I did the same almost 6 months ago and I have no regrets. I'm happier and a lot more relaxed.
Congratulations on the new job and I hope you enjoy the process and the learning experience.
I'm looking forward to the new challenge but really enjoyed my time off. It was a big step to resign with no job to go to however I've worked hard and placed myself in the position to take a little time without too much stress. I found great value - You understand as you've done it too.
I sure hope you're able to create a balance between work and creating value for yourself off work.
A weekly physiotherapist hmmm? I like this new horizon. Let me know if they're hiring out here in Utah!
I sent them your CV and put in a good word already (at my first interview). They're reviewing it as we speak.
It's pretty cool right? I guess the workshop lads would certainly appreciate it after a long week doing stuff but I'm looking forward to getting all loosey goosey in the neck and shoulder region after the working week. A good way to kick off the weekend I'd say.
I'd say! And thanks for the recommendation. I'm sure we'll make a great fit. I like massages. And that's basically all I put down on my CV. So I'm sure they'll hire me right away.
Littlescribe's CV:
Bwahahahahaha!!! 🤣
I literally have nothing to add to this.
It's not quite like your link, but here's some suggested listening.
I'm always keen to hear some new music so thanks for taking the time to share some. Greatly appreciated.
Five years is a good run sir. I changed contractors quite regularly back in the day. Three months is about my max, anything beyond was either routine or muscle memory. The it changes; job, car, shoes, shirt, bla, yata, something, whatever else. My max maintained.
Congratulations mate! Cheers. About how many years you think you're gonna punch a clock?
Yeah, one year too long in my opinion looking back I guess but that's ok. This new thing seems ok; time will reveal all.
Not sure on the clock-punching time-frame. A while yet, although there's a few factors that could change that and make it much sooner. I'd like to stop right now but there's a few things I need to achieve first and for that I need to work currently to bring them closer. I am pretty good at balancing my work and life though so it's not all bad.
I hope your new job works out exactly how you need it too.
Sounds like an exciting new adventure.
Time will tell how it works out although I'll add some input of course. I think it could be good however one never knows until it rolls out I suppose. I was fairly careful in my decision-making and so I think I've got a reasonable chance of it being a good thing.
Congratulations and that is an amazing accomplishment.
Awesome job to have skills that are in demand and the ability to dictate your terms of employment.
Congratulations and I hope you have a tremendous amount of success.
Thanks mate! I was pretty happy to take the role as it just seems to fit. Time will tell of course, but I think we'll be a good match and I can do some good work there whilst learning in turn.
But it's the best kind of job to have actually.
Awesome job and congratulations. You definitely deserve an amazing job that makes you happy!
Sounds like a very suitable job position for you I hope it all goes very well mate.
It does right? I guess the worst that can happen if I hate it is that I learn some new things, get paid and look for something else whilst I get paid. It all seems quite agreeable though.
Indeed doesn't seem like anyway to lose.
Life insurance sales people usually say "tomorrow and accidents, you will not know what comes first". I know they are trying to sell insurance but it's true. And tomorrow is absolutely uncertain.
You may be a version of me in the future. Wish you have peaceful and wonderful life!
Thanks for your comment and I hope that you have many tomorrow's.
Thank you! Same to you 😃
Do what its heart wants. you have summed up the life experience of what you have been through. It shows you've had enough and it's time to change to something more meaningful. What you are going through is not bad, need to get the desired change right now. Exciting action
Massages at work? Oooo G. you will be a spoiled senior brat hahaha. What an awesome change, congratulation and I am so so happy for you because you deserve the very best! 38 years that is a lot of time!
I believe that these 2 months of time off helped you a lot with gaining clarity and inner peace.
Yes, I'm virtually what could be considered prehistoric.
Great to read that man. I knew you'd have no problem landing a new job, and how sweet to have had those 2 months of time to just chill and decompress after 38 years of hard graft.
Amen to that brother.
The two months off were a great way to regroup and prepare for the next stage indeed. A very worthwhile time.
Congratulations! It's nice that you chose a life where you can do everything you want to do and pursue your passions. I wish you all the best in your ventures!
Thank you for your kind wishes, it's greatly appreciated.
That sounds exciting!
I am really glad you took your time with the decision to join back to the workforce and I hope that the work environment and job turn out as great as you expect them to.
All the best for tomorrow and every following day.
Thanks a lot, I think it'll be ok but only time will tell. I'll do what I always do; my best.
Can't ask for anything more of yourself.