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RE: Greener grass

in Self Improvement2 years ago

The more I read your blogs, the more I adore your positive mindset about life.

Thanks mate, this is a nice compliment.

It's practical, challenging, and risky. On the other hand, you could also gain a huge harvest of experience doing that thing.

Chasing opportunities, and have the sort of mindset that causes one to want to, can indeed be risky, but as long as the risk is weighed against the reward and planned for or mitigated, then usually the decision is easy...for me at least.

noticed that you said, you get out of the comfort zone so that you will be challenged both physically and mentally.

Indeed, it's how I learn, test my limits, so I can understand how and where to improve, skill-up, and then have another try. A person never got from one place to another without moving right?