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RE: Think like a Viking: Part thirty four

in Self Improvement3 years ago

Nice example Swigs!

Text communication is the worst I think; I use it, but for conveying the message it's somewhat lacking at times. It's flat and communication is not.

I like the written word, as you know, and enjoy it's mysteries and nuances but if done poorly it leaves so much to the imagination. Even phone conversation can.

I have a saying, phones are for making appointments, face to face is for doing business. That goes for business itself and personal.

For the record, a man is only as good as his word.

Indeed. I like to think I'm pretty good at this aspect but, being human, I'm also fallible.



Messages frequently lose their meaning and fall flat! Yes! That exactly. I have many people that prefer to use it, but, honestly face-to-face is what really works best, but, just like you are in Australia, texting is great because I get to communicate with you! Otherwise, do without... so sometimes, it has to.

If I didn't have the phone, I wouldn't talk with my family half as much as they all live 800 miles away from me. But, at least we video chat. That makes it almost better.

We are all human!