It'll be 22°C and sunny tomorrow (Sun)...and it's still winter. 🤣 I keep telling you to get down here.
Yeah man, I have some balls in the air, but I'm juggling those fuckers and haven't dropped any yet. I have my moments though. I'll admit I've been a little short on tolerance lately but I work hard to mitigate the effect that has on others. I think I'm doing an ok job mostly.
FFDP are a legit band, and do a lot or good work for veterans in the States so I like them for that also. Good music too.
Thanks for the comment on the snaps, I took some more which will emerge over time.
I always like seeing your snaps because of the masses of blue sky that you almost always have. It's bloody awesome.
I might run away to Australia. The missus need never know surely?
You and your curly moustache will be welcomed.