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RE: Rock bottom

Sometimes resisting the darkness can cause more shadows to come in. When we surrender to the void and really go all in, there's nowhere else to go but to come out of it. Thank you for sharing your words of honesty and vulnerability. They definitely resonated with me. I used to have times when I can feel the "invincible weight" on me again. And there's nothing I could do but feel it and write about it afterward. Writing has always been therapeutic for me. Hive and keeping my journal has helped me unburden my thoughts and my subconscious.


Hi Glebert, thank you for your comment, I appreciate you taking the time to read my words and to share a few of your life experiences as well. There are some things you mention that I couldn't have phrased better.

When we surrender to the void and really go all in, there's nowhere else to go but to come out of it.

That is a great way to describe the journey I am in. Whether I share it here or not. And I'm determined to come out of it; it's really the only option for me.

As you say, journaling can be very therapeutic: writing just for the sake of lifting the weight a little. Being honest and vulnerable, first with ourselves, and then with others, can be truly scary at first but the calm that eventually comes afterward is priceless.