Someone once said that the day we stop learning is the day we cease to exist on this earth. Most of the time, until we learn about anything, we might not be able to earn from anything. Which means that, it is most times the knowledge we have about something that gives us the ability to make a living from the that thing. It’s almost the same reason why we become useful to ourselves and those around us. So, now I think I understand better why people say that no man is an island of knowledge because there is always room for improvement.
There was this time of my life when I almost thought I wasn’t living. Actually, I was just literally struggling to exist back then. I was more focused on letting each day pass by and not what really makes a day stand out for me. I started to realize how quickly I was losing interest in myself and a lot of things I once found interesting. Deep down, I knew something was off but I wasn’t sure what it was. I started having more sleepless nights than usual because something was bothering me but I just wasn’t searching deep enough to find the answers I needed.
It happened that on this faithful day, I had the opportunity to learn something new (a word of advice from someone) after a while and my mind started becoming a lot clearer than it was before. I started asking the right questions and seeing that I wasn’t and I haven’t been in the right place for a while now. It was more like a joke to see that I have ignored learning something new even when I had the opportunity and that was why I kept feeling empty as the day went by. My soul was only thirsty of knowledge and the moment I realized that, that moment I started feeling alive again.
These days I kept wondering why I don’t easily feel bored or empty and I realize that my way of thinking has changed a lot. Now, I regard learning a lot and I value advice and corrections better. Yes, there is this tug of war at first to accept and make myself available for these advice and corrections but the moment I listen to them, I learn something new and automatically, I feel more alive and ready to be a better version of myself. So, that’s what learning does to each one of us.
I won’t want any of us to experience the emptiness that comes with not adding to our knowledge over time but then, it will be really evident we are not learning because we will just start feeling this emptiness at some point of our existence and it can be really scary sometimes. So, the advice is simply, as much as you (we) can, we should always be ready and willing to add a little knowledge to what you already know. Never feel you’ve known enough because there will always be more to learn about.
Thanks for reading through. ❤️
While your first few sentences I am also like expressing what I feel. This is what I feel now. It's like lost track a lost interest I feel drained and tired. But then I come to realize that I have goals, I have skills I have to continue the pursuit to succeed. Thanks for sharing you views honey. It means a lot to me.
While reading I mean
That’s exactly the feeling. I’m glad you could relate with me.
Thanks for reading through and leaving your thoughts. ❤️
Thank you. 🤗
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Yay!!! Thanks for the update, Buzzy.
Thank you! Buzzy. ❤️