[Self-development] 30-days Challenge COMPLETED!

A month ago, I started a challenge to improve myself, to create a better version of myself. I told you about my challenge a month ago. My challenge was about balance, about the carrot and stick method. I cut off something that I liked but has a negative impact on me and added something that I still like and that has a positive impact on me.

My feedback and results

I didn't eat candies, snakes and other sweets for 30 days! And sometimes it was really hard, especially when I was meeting my friends. Or when I have a lot of work. I am a big fan of cakes. A piece of cake with a cup of coffee is a perfect combo for me.

💙 First, I saved a lot of money lol. I didn't know I was spending so much money on sweets! Well, now I am eating cakes again but for sure much less than I used to. Also, I feel like I have more energy during the day.

💙 In addition, I was doing a plank every day. And if first days I was dying after 30 seconds, now I can easily do the plank for a minute and even more. I think I have less extra cm on my backs

💙Another part of my challenge was reading books. I like reading. But I always have excuses to read less. But that challenge made me read 50 pages every day. I read so many interesting books and journals. I learned a lot of new things. And since reading books takes some time, now I wake up a little bit earlier than before.

I will try to share the list of books I read later if you are interested in.


After finishing the challenge, I treated myself to a piece of nice cake that I wanted so much. And I decided to keep doing the plank and reading the books. Also, I am thinking about something new to try.

Are you doing any challenges?

Thank You