There's a bible story of Abraham and God to leave his land (comfort zone) to a land flowering with milk and honey. But from afar the new land didn't look very fertile until they crossed to the other side.
My life became more meaningful when I left my comfort to an environment I knew no body started a life slept in the cold , days without good food and no bathe but such case didn't last long I met a destiny helper and my life story had a divine turn around. Take the decision to make move don't think you will fail even if you fail you try again and again.
Choosing not to make a decision is a decision in itself although, not always a very good one as one can't take the right action when they ignore a situation, they become a passenger. So, making a decision to move a certain way is the best way to work towards an advantageous result, or a better position and yeah, sometimes there's a few bumps in the road.
This is true, rather than not trying, we rather try as there's no harm in trying they say. Nature and people would be happier that you tried and failed than become a looker and a mediocre.
I take the decision, and it's my decision and I'm happy trying.