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RE: Think like a leader: Week thirteen

Exactly Galen since the time of the caves we are still human with different perspectives, but it turns out that the great battles are won by the warriors who dared. When they risked everything for what seemed possible and reasonable. When they were against the wall and against the sword.

We are not alone in this journey. Sometimes we hear the sky is the limit! But we don't believe it. strength and faith


Are there really great battles? Does war answer who is right, or only show who is left?

Battle, (combat) isn't great at all.

The reason is won by the one who thinks he has it, the excessive ambitions in the world are not of the others, it is us.

All humans have different perspectives but sometimes they align. It would be good for every single person's perspective to align in a positive way and towards the betterment of society as a whole, even for just a day. It might cause people to see how good things can be and it may endure.

Alas, people are people and seem incapable of all pulling in the same direction at the same time.

There is too much rigidity and hope for a better world is lost.

A better world could exist, but not if people continue on the current path.