Success is not a comfortable procedure

One of the mistakes we humans make in order to pursue success is staying at our comfort zone while chasing after success. most of the the times it causes failure while trying to chase success in our comfort zone.

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If you ever want to be successful in whatever you're into or in life as a whole, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Success shouldn't be chased or pursued while staying in your comfort zone, nothing good in this life comes easy, we just have to strive for it and acquire it with every resources we have. Though some of us are born into wealthy homes and family but some how someone might paid the huge sacrifice for you to enjoy or benefits from it.

Start putting pressure on yourself, it will act as a booster for you while chasing after success.
Make plans everyday and try to avoid disclosing your secrets to friends and loved ones it might hinder the progress in your chase for success.

It's very funny how we always have this silly mindset about education that it kinda like defines our growth our chances of being a great person in life or becoming successful in the future but it literally funny how we tend to all believe education has the final say in our success story or journey of life, funny enough it doesn't really defines it. well though, it has its own impact but having no college degree doesn't really define our chances of being successful in life.

I'd like to say this and also add this to my point of view concerning the little opportunities we do take lightly or for granted most times cost us alot majorly because we tend to overlook some little opportunities that comes our way. Because it's not exactly what we're expecting or looking for doesn't necessarily mean we should ignore it and let it pass by, no we shouldn't.

Another thing we should seriously take into consideration on our road to achieve success is being mindful of the kind of people we allow in our lives. Some can be like a guardian angel to you i.e they will be of help to us in terms of needs and wants during this process, while some have come to sabotage all of our plans to achieve success. So we ought to be extremely careful and choose wisely on the kind of people we allow in our pursuit for success.

You've have to be relentless, and most importantly giving up shouldn't be an option. You just have to keep grinding and put more effort in your daily struggles in life. The more difficult the struggles is, the more sweeter the victory is when you finally win and achieve success in life.

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lastly, you must know this that "impossibility is for the unwilling mind".

it's always a privilege to share life lessons and motivation on this amazing community. actually this is my first post here and I hope I'm welcomed with open arms and lots of love.

thank you Hivers and @selfimprovement.




This is a very beautiful post and you're totally right, we should always push past our comfort zone if we want to be successful. Going pass our comfort zone simply means we are taking risks to become a master at what we do, and that's how we grow; by doing things outside of your limits, pushing past your boundary

Exactly you just nailed it bro. We just have to push ourselves in order to achieve success.. thanks for stopping by I appreciate