Secret of riches
There is no secret as powerful in getting riches as this ,he that giveth receives ,its more blessed to give than to receive .
I heard this one this morning and I was blessed beyond measure because I came to the understanding "He that giveth to the poor shall not lack" if you note all this secrets is centered around giving and notes that this kind of giving must be in love for it to yield the result required.
There are secrets of getting wealth , wealth don't just come like that ,that you are beautiful or handsome is not a criteria for you to get wealthy if you never activate this principles in your life and destiny.
These secrets of wealth and abundance is not limited to these laws only that I have mentioned ,there are others that you also need to know and act on together with these to make you wealthy .
If you look at the lives of weathy people like David oyedepo ,Donald Trump,Warren Buffet,Bill Gate,Elon musk ,BoB proctor etc ,you will notice they all observe this principles of giving ,they all give lavishly.