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RE: What's Your Ikigai?

I think you are looking at ikigai at a too surfaced angle.
Ikigai helps you to find the core of your character, which links to your hobby, work, passion and mission.

Like your friends who enjoyed life and work and kept thinking "what can I make money out of it", I may not be 100% accurate, but their Ikigai is to constantly being creative.

If they go to all different vacations and also love to keep innovating new businesses that eventually generates income and doesn't mind sharing and caring with their findings, then yes, creativity could be the ikigai.

So you need to ask yourself: what makes me motivated when I play, work, help and look further? Find the common ground of feeling / action that relates to all of them and then you will find your ultimate ikigai; which for me, is God's calling.

That being said, if you are on survival mode, consistently worrying how to survive, enough food to eat and bills to pay (for yourself or family) will block your search for your ikigai because it kills it.

I encourage you to keep journaling, especially highlight out the key things that spikes your happiness, then when you are much more relaxed, reread your journals and see if you can find a common ground.

Hope that helps.


I guess so. Maybe I should reevaluate again and maybe I can find a common ground between them all but for now, that's the conclusion I have came across.

You should, because there's no way you can find a job that covers all areas. haha. Even my ikigai doesn't cover the same job (that makes money) but does influence the things I do in life, on HIVE and on my job