We as a species have probably never enjoyed better conditions than at this moment in regards to our general standards of living and general opportunity.
I think if I was born a couple of decades ago, I would be working in a factory instead of sitting at my home, using my computer.
And if I was born a couple of centuries ago, I would be working as a mason, or a farmer or something. Totally hard work.
So, in terms of history, it is the best moment for me to do something.
As you said, we do the best we possibly can with what we have at the time, we are trying our best and achieve something according to our potential.
But with time, our potential changes. Our mindset changes. I think what we believe our potential and mindset is, changes with our circumstances. For example, 2017 and 2018 were the best years of my life. Made more than enough money, travelled the whole country, did a lot of adventure sports. So, I thought I had a lot of potential.
Then, 2019 was okay. At the end of 2019, I somehow fell into depression. I felt like a complete loser.
And now, about 6-8 months later, I feel good. I think I have more potential than I envisioned in 2017-2018.
A lot of people talk about developing skills, doing a lot of shit during lockdown. I think lockdown period was one of the most productive period of my life.
I exhausted myself working, reading more books, and writing on hive, twitter, quora, reddit.
Analyzed myself more, and now I understand myself more.
The best thing that happened to me because of lockdown was I lost contact with a lot of people. And somehow, I feel good about it. More positive.
So, being socially distanced from people around me was a big winning factor for me. An opportunity I wouldn't have easily got.
Hopefully there is more to life than sitting at home on a computer :)
I think for many it was a wakeup call. Some of my colleagues have returned to the office in far better condition than when they went home. It is nice to see.
When things improve, make sure you are picky with who you spend your time with. Don't waste it on undeserving people - use it on people who bring the best out in you.
Yeah, in the morning, I am learning boxing a little bit. Just throwing some punches on my boxing bag. And in the evening, I am playing badminton. Lol, pretty much sums up my life these days😂
I usually find inspiring people online only. Quite difficult to find someone who understands me around here. Here most people of my age are about alcohol, drugs, fighting, and girls.😅
90% don't have any interest to talk about career, money, or dreams or anything.
Well said...
The lockdown changed my perspective about life.
I read more than I ever did and I'm still reading.
The reading process improved my thinking
That's great to hear🙂