I've all but given up on Champion; and I expect I have a more versatile playing deck than you. Too much multi-tasking, or maybe I just don't have the head for it.
Seriously contemplating retiring them all onto land when I can, and living out my days playing the resource generation game; leave the battling to the sharp, hungry newcomers.
I think you are not alone in that. I also think that perhaps they will have to change the top end a little, as currently there is little incentive to move into C1 as there is no pressure from below, so they get to the top of C2 and stop. This means it is nearly impossible for someone like me to get to C2, because there is no one to play against at the top that is around my level - so I end up playing and losing to people 400 points below :D
Land will be huge for you... whatever it is going to be. :)