The Two secrets to improve your Work Productivity
Are you really Working, or are you just occupying your time?
That’s the question I often ask myself and I sometimes ask people as well. I am not afraid of challenging myself, even debating with myself my own decisions. I am a Gemini, so I justify this attitude of mine by saying that we are actually two, so it’s a great and continuous dialogue.
Anyway, there some different ways to make sure to perform well in front of that question:
- I have really lost my time on non-productive stuff
- I invested time to prepare things that will (or may) have results in the future
- I have been proficient and the time has literally flown away
What are the main distractions that make you lose time?
Answering emails, checking chats and other social networks with the mirage of “being active = being reachable”, these are called Ecstasy: they make you feel proud, but with no real results to be proud of.
You may argue saying that you are supposed to answer emails: but it’s really wort it? How many emails are not worth an answer, or they may be liquidated with a short email, declining your involvement into the discussion or simply giving requested data in a quick and short form (so to reduce misunderstanding risks).
When you really need to answer to an email, ask yourself first “What kind of results I want to achieve from these email?”. You have no idea how many emails with fire and acid I read between people that were trying to get ahead of the others, sometimes to avoid responsibilities and other just to prevail in a sterile conversation.
That was lost time. And back at that moment of my life, I thought that I was being part of the conversation by reading those, but I forgot to ask myself
“In what way I am involved into this conversation? Am I really involved?”
Another thing about emails is that reading them in the morning is usually pointed out as lost time BUT this is not always true. The main thing, is to not keep yourself active in answering emails, otherwise they risk to become a chat, and not an organized and proactive communication.
Second Tip
The second tip, is that you should keep a timer or give yourself specific range to work: I do not believe anymore to people that says that they work with no pauses for hours and hours, especially in front of monitors.
How many attention are they losing by not making pauses?
Or how much time are they spending in front of the monitor, with no productivity attached?
There’s a trick, called “the Tomato trick” where you work on a 30 minutes base, with 25 minutes of intense and focused work with 5 minutes of pause (toilet, coffee, topping up water and so on). After three of these cycles, you make a longer break, of 15 minutes to potentially fix things in the office, home or anywhere else.
This following image clearly explains what I am talking about
Third (BONUS) Tip
The last (BONUS) tip, is something more personal. Something that is very hard to find at the beginning.
Some people, just for being in front of a computer doing things, think that they are working and producing. But the question is: In which way, what I am doing, can really bring benefit and results to me and my team?
Am I just wasting my time, keeping myself busy with unnecessary tasks?
What would say a professional in this field I am working into, about the work that I am doing? Would him/her consider well invested time or mere Pindaric flights?
I am telling you that, since I see people totally immersed in that kind of approach and not just into work, but into their whole life, trying to escape from some schemes with the same approach that contributed to create them.
To break the scheme you first need to break the habits that generated it. And them push hard in the correct direction, with a clever plan to reach the goals.
"Are you really working, or just occupying your time?"
That's a really good question to ask.
That's the whole point!
This is really helpful..thanks for this wonderful piece..
Thanks to you your feedback! Really appreciate it!
Productivity topics are one of my favorite subjects to talk to! Hey, Mike! I think you're the guy from Medium 😄
Hey there! Oh yeah, I really am :D
Never give up, always move on and look for a solution 🍷👌
It is too easy to get lost doing what seems to be right, while better choices are being wasted. Like when letting pass a wonderful sight for being too busy to stop for a few minutes.
This example of yours remind me the extreme case:
"people that are too busy to relax or to take some time for meditating and thing about themselves are like a car driver that has no time to stop to top up the fuel. Soon or later, they will stop"
I am really happy that I pass by this post. It is something I was in a dire need of reading. These days I am wasting time. I know it. I rebuke myself for this but still I do it. Perhaps the lack of control.
These days I have realized something. We waste time also when we feel we do not have enough time for the activities we want to do. With this thought we simply waste our time in chunks and at the end, there really remains no time.
I am not into email checking but yes, the youtube videos have started distracting me.
I agree with your point for break. Here is an important thing to add is that sometimes we deceive us with the idea that we are multi tasking and so we involve in multiple activities simultaneously. Consequently, we do not do anything as productively as we could otherwise. Do one thing at a time with focus. Take a break, do the other.
Thanks for dropping by and sharing your experience. Indeed attention nowadays is the most important asset, even more than data.
I too struggle a lot, for the work I do, to keep myself focused for the most part of the time, but I educate myself taking some breaks and then working again. It kind of works!
I think gadgets has a lot to do with distraction. We need to learn self control.