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RE: You can do good with what you have.

Exactly, everything has its pros and cons, depending on the user about how they are using it. When we find it hard to adapt to new things, we start spreading negativity which is like grapes are sour.

In my place, they also neglect crypto, they are indifferent to adapting this, they say the exact things you mentioned that it helps with money laundering. Yeap, I do agree that it helps, they are still doing without this, but why can't you guys have proper control over the citizens of your country? There are a lot of countries that have overcome these boundaries and utilizing the benefits of it, why are pushing your people away from the progressing world? By the time they would realize the importance it would be late to keep pace with the rest of the competitors. This one is really frustrating.

Yeap, we can always do good with what we have, even if the thing is completely useless to us, could be of huge value to someone else, it's just we who decides what should be done with that thing, good or bad is determined by our actions.


Hahaha... The grapes are sour example is making me to choke on my laughter. Haha. Wow! That's hilarious.

The second paragraph in your comment is exactly the way to look at the current resistance of Crypto through the lens of the citizens. I wonder if the government are really looking at the good side of Crypto. This can literally change the life of its Citizens. Most importantly, whatever is earned through Crypto will be spent in the country and this will boost the economy of the country.

Sadly, many countries of the world (especially those that need Crypto the most) are actually fighting against it. That's such a distasteful experience.

Most importantly, whatever is earned through Crypto will be spent in the country and this will boost the economy of the country.

Yeah, for example, India might have asked for a 30% tax on this sector, this is somehow too high but yeah the govt will be getting huge returns too.

are actually fighting against it.

Instead, they should have cooperated and negotiated ways to have control over it to bring fortunes in a positive way. They love to stick to the old ways instead of trying new things.

Yeah. Even without asking for tax officially, these money gets withdrawn into bank accounts and bank charge transaction fee on each of these. A part of that fee still goes to government. Haha.

The fight against Crypto will remain for a long time, but some countries are already looking for ways to take advantage of that.

but some countries are already looking for ways to take advantage of that.

Happy for them. Hope to see things get better in this part too.
