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RE: Health is wealth unless impossible

in Self Improvement3 years ago

Hearing you speak about your daughter, would make one think you would be the one to chase after health and a long life. Hearing you bring out the truth of the matter "we can not escape pain and death is inevitable", while leaving the question wjat are you alive for and what is that life breeding, how are you managing your time and are you archiving while at it.. My conclusion and take away while everything is important you can not archive health at the expense of life expecting to archive what was a possibility then at a later date.


Hearing you speak about your daughter, would make one think you would be the one to chase after health and a long life

It is a conflict I have, but if the basic idea of "happy and healthy" for my daughter is the goal, does that require me to see it? I can support her happiness/contentment and her health, without actually observing it.

Think of all the people who have lost their parents young through illness and war, but have grown up fine. Think of all the bad parents out there who have lived long and terrible lives tormenting their children.

Your realistic and objevtive aproach to this life is what parliement needed. Instead of people building castles in the air, when they are not damaging every progress mankind makes