What is stealing our energy?

in Self Improvement2 years ago


Autumn. Surprisingly, but we often feel a lack energy during this period. It would seem that we all rested so well in the summer. Why is this so? We are trying to exclude all possible and impossible causes of our weakness and apathy, we even go to the doctor. But still, the reason remains unclear. Well, that’s it, especially “advanced” people decide: it is the evil eye, spoilage, a witch neighbor. Very comfortable position. And there are always those who want to help you deal with the unfriendly "magical effects". Especially for your hard-earned money. However, before going to a remote village to a grandmother who knows magic, try to look critically at your life.


Have you ever noticed that almost every holiday of the Wheel of the Year one way or another touches on the topic of restoring order and getting rid of the unnecessary. Usually, we have three grandiose cleanings: autumn, spring (respectively, before the spring and autumn equinox) and before the New Year. Everything is logical: in autumn and spring we shake up the wardrobe - you want it or not, but you will put things in order. On the first of January, we are all going to start a "new life", no one is going into a "new life" with old trash.


Having put things in order and getting rid of the trash, in addition to the obvious benefits of a beautiful clean house, we get not so obvious benefits in the form of released energy. Any guru of modern cleaning will explain to us that any thing, including an unused item, requires our attention, and therefore our energy. The more trash, the more energy is spent on its “maintenance”, which means - nowhere.
Everything is clear with things: everything that does not please, is not used, is broken, is sent to the trash.


But what comes around? With a deep sense of accomplishment ... we continue to wander around with sleepy somnambulists and often don’t even think about what is just like unnecessary things, unrealized plans that we carry forward with fanatic tenacity from month to month, from year to year, never not proceeding with their execution; unfinished relations in a state of permanent latent conflict; unclosed current problems and others, not as obvious as a bunch of junk, “vampire” programs also steal our energy. Finding them and destroying them is a great way to free and direct a significant amount of energy to improve your life.
No magic - the simple truth of life


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Great post, clean and precisely
Clean energy = clean house =good life