Simple rules of life

in Self Improvement2 years ago


Reading the description of the holidays of the Wheel of the Year, I sometimes find myself thinking about how much the life situation of a modern person differs from the situation of those who followed these holidays in the distant past. Accordingly, the tasks that people faced during this period in the past and what is relevant to us now may be different.


For example, Mabon (autumn equinox), which took place recently. But first, it must be said that, no matter how the holiday itself is called, it existed everywhere and the energies surrounding it were quite similar, since nature sets its own rules without taking into account the opinion of man.


What did our ancestors have during this period? It was a time of plenty and rest. The harvest was harvested, with preparations for the winter, you could wait a day or two, but for now, play weddings, eat plenty and have fun. For most of my contemporaries, this period can hardly be called abundant. Their finances were pretty exhausted by summer vacations (especially talented people took a loan from the bank to go to the sea, and now they will work for the bank until next summer).


On the other hand, there is something that can be used in this period, since the energies are very suitable.

Now we are in a Samhain perios. The border between the worlds is gradually thinning and it is not known who or what will come out from the “other side” to look at us. Our ancestors believed in this. Further on - long cold nights and cold cold short days. It’s not a period of fun. Anticipating such a development of events, our ancestors used this period to "stray in packs." It’s easier to survive.


Of course, I do not urge you to move into the apartment of your parents or friends. But in order to renew old and start a new relationship, to stop quarrels, to visit those who have not been seen for a long time, this period is very favorable. This applies to all social connections. Meet, reconcile, expand the circle of communication, because, whatever one may say, a person is a social being.
No magic - the simple truth of life

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